- disbursements insurrance [法] 船舶费用保险
- The insurrance company will recommend you for the loss caused by the flood. 保险公司将对洪水造成的损失予以补偿。
- A voucher system helps maintain control over cash disbursements. 一个凭单系统帮助维护控制现金支付。
- Are all disbursements, except from petty cash, made by cheques? 除了小额现金外的所有放款是否都通过支票的形式?
- The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements. 该社团甚至没有经费应付日常开支。
- Is responsible for and follow the cash: cash inflows and disbursements. 负责和跟进现金情况:现金流入和支出。
- In November 1998, private venture capital firms were appointed to make disbursements from the fund. 一九九八年十一月,当局委聘私营创业资金公司,负责基金的拨款工作。
- On the payment date, the following entry would be made in the cash disbursements journal. 支付日则应在现金付出日记帐中作出如下分录。
- In November 1998,private venture capital firms were appointed to make disbursements from the fund. 一九九八年十一月,当局委聘私营创业资金公司,负责基金的拨款工作。
- Cumulative charge number [currency pool] The charge number for cumulative disbursements. 累计计息积数[货币总库]累计支付的计息积数。
- The cost of insuring money advanced to pay for general average disbursements shall also be allowed in general average. 共同海损费用垫款的保险费,也应作为共同海损。
- Provide accurate accounting for cash receipts, cash disbursements, and cash balances. 提供正确的现金收入、支出和结余记录。
- All major disbursements are made by checks , and an imprest ( fixed amount ) fund is used for petty cash disbursements. 所有主要支出都是使用支票,对零星的现金支出则另设(定额)预付资金。
- A basic journal to record transactions (receipts, disbursements, sales, purchases, etc. 一个基本的日记簿记录各种交易(包括收入、支出、销售、购买等);
- The Global Fund contributed to half of the disbursements from international donors. 全球基金捐款的一半来自国际捐助者。
- The letter of credit in the international trade is one most important receipts and disbursements way. 信用证在国际贸易中是一种最为重要的收付方式。
- Cash receipts are treated as revenues and cash disbursements are handled as expenses. 现金收据被视为收入和现金支付处理费用。
- The international trade payment is the international cargo business loans receipts and disbursements. 国际贸易支付就是国际货物买卖货款的收付。
- The term "annual expenditures" shall refer to all disbursements during a fiscal year, excluding debt repayment. 称岁出者,谓一个会计年度之一切支出。但不包括债务之偿还。
- Many business enterprises find that disbursements for wages and salaries and related payroll taxes makes up a large portion of the firm's total expenses. 许多企业发现支付工资,薪水和薪工税占了企业总支出的相当部分。