- The business of doctors is to prevent and cure diseases. 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。
- Geology disaster prevention and cure item engineering the document divide into section the method to study 地质灾害防治项目工程文件分类方法探讨
- Prevention and cure are both attended to. 预防和治疗都有了着落。
- Imago of prevention and cure can use dipterex.. 防治成虫可用敌百虫...
- Notable progress was made in disaster prevention and reduction. 防灾减灾成效明显。
- Can prevent and cure gastralgia. 并能防治胃痛。
- The business of doctor is to prevent and cure diseases. 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。
- The business of the doctor is to prevent and cure diseases. 医生的职责是防治疾病。
- disaster prevention and cure 灾害防治
- The business of doctors is to prevent and cure disease. 医生的职务是预防和治疗疾
- The business of a doctor is to prevent and cure disease. 医生的职务是预防和治疗疾病。
- How do chronic pharyngitis and rhinitis prevent and cure! ? 慢性咽炎和鼻炎怎么防治!?
- The accident prevention mainly consists of strict basic work of prevention and cure water disaster and efficient identification of water burst danger premonition. 事故预防主要包括在事故发生前的扎实的基础防治水工作和透(突)水危险预兆的有效辨识两部分;
- While the rock-burst occurred at those given places, the excrescent energy of the system will be released, thus achieving the goal of prevention and cure of rock-burst disaster. 该法从本质上是在矿山采掘活动中以人为定点开挖卸压洞来弱化煤体,使由采掘诱发的冲击地压在预定点发生,释放其周围系统中的大部分能量。即在人为预定点放灾而达到控制或防治冲击地压灾害的目的。
- How to improve information management of disaster prevention and mitigation, and build a disaster warning mechanism? 如何加强防灾减灾的信息管理,建立灾害预警机制。
- The legal system, execution, and management system for U.S. Urban disaster prevention and mitigation. 美国的城市防灾灭火的法律体系,以及执法及管理体制。
- Mountain torrent disaster will be distinguished and predicted by these data to provide reference of disaster prevention and reduction. 以期通过实测降雨量或预报降雨量,来判别或预测山洪灾害的发生,为今后防灾减灾提供依据。
- How to improve public consciousness on disaster prevention and mitigation, and expand public participation channels? 如何提高公众防灾减灾意识,扩大公众参与的渠道。
- China to strengthen public education in the prevention and cure of AIDS. 中国将加强艾滋病防治的公众教育
- The mine water disaster prevention and control in Dashui Mine should be to clarify the mine refilled water condition. 大水矿井治理水害必须从查清矿井充水条件入手。