- Nobody wants to wash their dirty linen in public. 没人想在公共场合谈论私事。
- I won't air your dirty linen in public. 我不会轻易揭别人的短。
- Wash somebody's dirty linen at home. 家丑不宜外扬。
- Do not wash your dirty linen in puBlic. 不要在大庭广众之下洗你的脏衣物(家丑不可外扬)。
- Dirty linen should be washed at home. 脏衣服应在家里洗。
- Do not wash dirty linen in public. 家丑不可外扬。
- He wasn't keen on washing this kind of dirty linen in public. 他不太愿意把家里的这种丑事向外宣扬。
- Dirty linen should be washed in private, as Napoleon used to say. 拿破仑说过,脏衣服得躲在家里洗。
- I' never seen a company washing dirty linen in public this way. 我从未见过一个公司这样揭自己的短。
- Tom is a drug addict, but the family never air its dirty linen in public. 汤姆吸毒成瘾,但他全家人对此守口如瓶。
- Wash your dirty linen at home. [谚]家丑不可外扬。
- If you're unfair to me, I'll certainly hang out all your dirty linen. 如果你对我不公平,我就把你的那些丑事都给抖露出去。
- People just try to get sympathy by airing their dirty linen in public. 人们抖自己的家丑,只是为了得到他人的同情。
- For the sake of our families,I have no desire that we should wash our dirty linen in public. 为了我们的家庭,我认为不该把家丑外扬。
- We'll talk about it when the guests have gone. Let's not wash our dirty linen in public. 咱们还是莫把家丑外扬,这件事等客人走后再说吧!
- Mr.Green quarrelled with his wife last night. He said she seemed to enjoy washing their dirty linen in public. 格林先生昨晚同他的太太吵了一架。他说他太太好像把在公众场合谈论家里的私事作为一种乐趣。
- Even if we aired his dirty linen I think he'd prefer minor martyrdom to talking, betraying his vows. 既使我们把他的丑事张扬出去,我想他也会宁肯吃点苦头也不愿违背自己的誓言而开口。
- For the sake of our families, I have no desire that we should wash our dirty linen in public. 为了我们的家庭,我认为不该把家丑外扬。
- The telegraph was a timely spur to Soames's intense and rooted distaste for the washing of dirty linen in public. 索米斯对家丑外扬一向抱着根深蒂固的强烈的憎恨,这封电报刚好加强了他这种感情。
- Even if I had done wrong you should not have reproached me in public-people wash their dirty linen at home(Napoleon Bonaparte. 即使是我做错了事,你也不应该当众指责我-家丑不能外扬(拿破仑 波拿巴)