- Make sure that the Active Directory user accounts are enabled. 确保Active Directory用户帐户已启用。
- The combination of an Active Directory user object that has mailbox attributes and the associated mailbox data that is stored in the mailbox database. 拥有邮箱属性的Active Directory用户对象与存储在邮箱数据库中的关联邮箱数据的组合。
- Regardless of which Active Directory user account owns the mailbox, the mailbox GUID always remains the same as long as the mailbox exists. 无论是哪个Active Directory用户帐户拥有邮箱,邮箱GUID在邮箱生存期内始终保持不变。
- Make sure that the SELF account is listed in the permissions list for the Active Directory User Object associated with the mailbox in question. 确保对于与有问题的邮箱相关联的Active Directory用户对象,SELF帐户已列在权限列表中。
- Click OK and close Active Directory Users and Computers. 单击确定并关闭Active Directory用户和计算机。
- Open the Active Directory Users And Computers console. 打开活动目录用户和计算机控制台。
- In this case, the plug-in also mounts the user's Windows network home directory (specified in the Active Directory user account) as a network volume, like a share point. 在这种情况下,出于共享的目的,该插件还将装载用户的Windows网络个人目录(在Active Directory用户帐户中指定)以作为网络宗卷。
- The following example retrieves all Active Directory user accounts that are in the Engineering department and puts the results in a table with two columns, Name and Department. 以下示例检索工程部门中的所有Active Directory用户帐户,并将结果放在带有Name和Department两列的表中。
- Members of the Exchange Recipient Administrators role have permissions to modify any Exchange property on an Active Directory user, contact, group, dynamic distribution group, or public folder object. Exchange收件人管理员角色的成员有权修改Active Directory用户、联系人、组、动态通讯组或公用文件夹对象的任何Exchange属性。
- You removed a mailbox by using the Remove-Mailbox cmdlet without the Permanent or StoreMailboxIdentity parameters and now want to reconnect the mailbox to a different Active Directory user account. 您已使用Remove-Mailbox cmdlet删除邮箱,但未使用Permanent或StoreMailboxIdentity参数,而您现在想要重新将邮箱连接到另一个Active Directory用户帐户。
- In Active Directory Users and Computers, create a new User; the Full Name (and thus, the Display Name) are built in accordance with your rule. 在Active Directory用户和计算机中,创建新用户;根据您的规则构建“全名”(以及“显示名称”)。
- Close Group Policy Object Editor, click OK, and then quit Active Directory Users and Computers. 关闭组策略对象编辑器,单击确定,然后退出“Active Directory用户和计算机”。
- Only an administrator can grant this type of access, by using Active Directory Users and Computers. 只有管理员能够使用Active Directory用户和计算机授予这种类型的访问权限。
- In the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, edit the Default Domain Controllers Policy on the Domain Controllers Organizational Unit. 在“Active Directory用户和计算机”管理单元中,编辑域控制器组织单位上的默认域控制器策略。
- In the console tree, expand Active Directory Users and Computers, expand Domains, and then right-click the domain on which you want to run RSoP. 在控制台树中,展开“Active Directory用户和计算机”,展开域,然后右键单击要在其中运行RSoP的域。
- On the Active Directory Users and Computers console, right-click the new account that you created, and then click Properties. 在“Active Directory用户和计算机”控制台上,右键单击已创建的新帐户,然后单击属性。
- If the zones appear to be correct and the server has authority for the domain, try to start the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in again. 如果各区域正确无误,而且服务器具有该域的授权,请尝试再次启动“Active Directory用户和计算机”管理单元。
- You can use the Set-Group cmdlet to modify group object settings that are visible in Active Directory Users and Computers. 您可以使用Set-Group cmdlet修改在Active Directory用户和计算机中可见的组对象设置。
- ADFS lets users create trust relationships with other Active Directory users and enable authentication across corporate boundaries. ADFS使得不同AD间的用户可以建立安全互信机制,便于在企业范围内部署安全审计功能。
- In each forest, use Active Directory Users and Computers to create a container in which ILM will create contacts for each mailbox from the other forest. 在每个林中,使用Active Directory用户和计算机创建一个容器,MIIS将在其中为其他林中的每个邮箱创建联系人。