- He is directly responsible for it. 他直接负责那件事。
- He is directly responsible for this. 他直接负责那件事。
- The government is directly responsible to the electorate as a whole. 政府直接对全体选民负责。
- He's directly responsible to the boss. 他直接对上司负责。
- Who is directly responsible to the Board? 由谁直接对董事会负责?
- The Ombudsman is directly responsible to the Chief Executive. 申诉专员直接向行政长官负责,担当监察政府的角色。
- The government is directly responsible to the whole electorates. 政府直接对全体选民负责。
- Although the surgeon was directly responsible for performing the heart transplant operation, all the theatre staff had a hand is its success. 尽管这位外科医生直接负责做心脏移植手术,但是手术室的所有人员都参与了这次成功的手术。
- He is directly responsible to the managing director. 他直接对总经理负责。
- It is almost as if their brilliance is directly responsible for their pain. 这简直是说,他们的聪明造成了痛苦。
- This hen is directly responsible for 7 x 1st Amal Winners in 3 years. 这只雌鸽和三年中7个阿莫赛冠军有直接关系。
- The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is independent of the civil service; its Commissioner is directly responsible to the Chief Executive. 廉政公署并不隶属政府公务员架构,廉政专员直接向行政长官负责。
- Michael Dell can be held directly responsible for everything that has ever happened in the history of his company. 迈克尔.;戴尔可以对他的公司历史上发生的任何事情直接负责。
- If the deceit constitutes a crime, the persons directly responsible shall be investigated for their criminal liabilities according to law. 构成犯罪的,对个人或者单位直接责任人员,依法追究刑事责任。
- The director manager is in charge of administrative affairs and directly responsible to the board of directors. 董事经理专管行政事务,直接向董事会负责。
- Zhu brought the brief report to Liu Yimin, the junior RCL official directly responsible for the Earthquake Office. 朱凤鸣将这个简要的报告提交给刘益民,省革委会直接负责地震办公室的低层官员。
- During Biceps Curl, Biceps Brachii is a muscle that is directly responsible fOReffecting a movement. 当进行哑铃弯举时,二头肌是主要参与该动作之肌肉。
- In my view, DRDO should be held directly responsible for these unwarranted war causalities. 按照我的理解,DRDO应该为这些无谓的战争伤亡负直接责任。
- Although the surgeon was directly responsible for performing the heart transplant operation,all the theatre staff had a hand is its success. 尽管这位外科医生直接负责做心脏移植手术,但是手术室的所有人员都参与了这次成功的手术。
- I tried to do a normal job, I once recruited a company the boss asked me directly responsible face as her lover is ready to do so. 我尝试过做正常职业,有一次我应聘一个公司,负责面视的老板直接问我愿意不愿意做她的情人。