- Many microcomputers do allow you to directly address a memory address. 目前有许多微计算机允许你直接访问某个存储单元。
- President Obama began the session with reporters by directly addressing the Iranian government's violent response to the demonstrations in Tehran. 奥巴马总统在记者会开始就直接谈论伊朗政府对德黑兰示威行动进行暴力镇压的问题。
- They went through the amenities as if there were nothing amiss, but without directly addressing a single remark to each other. 他们若无其事地寒暄了一番,但是始终没有直接交谈过一句话。
- By helping countries improve their food production in ways that are environmentally friendly, FAO is directly addressing many of the root causes of global warming. 通过帮助各国以环境友好的方式改进粮食生产,粮农组织直接解决了全球变暖的根本问题。
- A user process cannot directly address memory areas in the address space of another process. 一个用户进程不可以直接访问另外一个用户进程的地址空间。
- Creative messages in advertisements must then be designed to directly address the peculiarities within each market. 广告中必须设计有创造性的信息来直接表明商品在各个市场上的特性。
- I wont directly address security requirements here; however, they are likely to be important to the choice of ESB technology. 我不想在这里直接提出安全需求,不过它们对选择ESB的实现技术非常重要。
- You can use our independent, third-party findings to directly address your competition in advertising, press releases, and trade show displays. 您可以利用我们独立的第三方分析结果直接指导广告、新闻发布和展会方面的竞争活动。
- A big number, by itself, won't restore confidence. Any solution that doesn't directly address the capital shortfall is likely to fail. 靠一笔巨款本身无法恢复市场信心。任何拯救方案如果不能直接解决资本短缺的问题,就有可能失败。
- We ve been pushing the bar higher and higher on practitioner productivity for awhile now, but we re just beginning to directly address organizational level productivity problems. 当前,我们一直将从业者的生产力提升的越来越高,但是我们在直接解决组织级的生产力问题上仅仅是一个开始。
- Therefore, MOLAP approach is basically indexing and search for ways of directly addressing the integration of the table than ROLAP / search index and table connection, much faster. 因此,MOLAP 方式基本上是索引搜索与直接寻址的查询方式相结合,比起ROLAP的表/索引搜索和表连接方式,速度要快得多。
- Where there is IQ, IQ test? Or is to test questions directly addressed to me. 哪里有测智商也就是IQ的?或者是把测试题直接写给我.
- Until policies are put in place that directly address prices of assets such as houses, 'we're going to see the cost of capital remain high,' says Mr.Geanakoplos. 吉纳考普劳斯说,除非直接解决房屋等资产价格问题的政策出台,否则我们还将继续面临资本成本居高不下的困境。
- Barro does not directly address the extensive political science literature on features of "civil society" that are thought to make democratic rule more workable. 巴罗并没有直接地提及研究“公民自由”特征的大量政治学文献,这些文献认为,可以使民主规则变得更加可操作。
- Memory addressability - A 32-bit system can directly address only a 4-GB address space. 可寻址内存 - 一个32位系统只可以直接寻址4GB的地址空间。
- It helps you develop stronger client relationships and increase your margins through new service offerings for complete solutions that directly address the needs of your customers. 这款面向数字办公的全新台式机平台使您能够专注于构建满足客户需求的完整解决方案,同时还可帮助您发展更稳固的客户关系,并通过提供新服务增加利润。
- Maximum number of directly addressable entities supportable by this controller. A value of zero should be used if the number is unknown. 由这个控制器支持的直接寻址的实体的最大数目。如果数字不详,请用零值。
- Beginning with a chapter on his illegitimate birth and difficult childhood, Chernow directly addresses controversial aspects of Hamilton’s life. 本书第一章记述了主人公是一个私生子的事实以及他悲惨的童年。作者直接描述了汉密尔顿一生充满争议的方面。
- It would still be useful to stress the importance of hygiene, especially in food handling, which was not directly addressed in this survey. 重视卫生同样重要,特别是在拿取食品的时候,不过在这个调查中并没有直接涉及这方面内容。
- Security is not directly addressed in the Atom API specification, but one would expect an implementation to support HTTP-based authentication for the various Atom API operations. Atom API规范中没有直接处理安全问题,但预计会出现用于各种Atom API操作的支持基于HTTP验证的实现。