- Centering of shafting by direct connection. 平轴法轴系校中。
- It will direct connection attempts to the three servers. 该通道组将把连接尝试定向到三台服务器。
- Direct connection to mains pressure water supply is not permitted. 严禁直接连在有压力的供水装置上。
- A communication protocol used for direct connection between two computers. 直接用于在两台服务器之间进行交互的协议。
- Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. 最近的研究表明:长寿跟用牙线洁齿直接相关。
- Direct Connection Cables Connect your WatchDog Weather Station directly to your PC. 连接电缆直接连接气象监测器和电脑。
- It provides a direct connection to simple speaker of the type used for home stereo system. 它可与家庭立体声系统中的简单扬声器直接连接。
- All proxies are still down. Continue with direct connections? 所有的代理仍然有故障。继续直接连接吗?
- The fact that glutamate modifies dopamine action demonstrates a direct connection between brain reward circuits and those for learning and memory. 麸胺酸可以改变多巴胺的作用,证明脑的报酬线路与学习、记忆线路有直接的联系。
- SOCKS and proxies are still down. Continue with direct connections? SOCKS 和代理仍然有故障。继续直接连接吗?
- There is a direct connection between the efferent vestibular neurons and some subgroup afferent vestibular neurons. 前庭神经感觉核是传出前庭神经元传入纤维的一个重要来源。
- Bridging reference is a kind of reference in which there is no direct connection anaphor and antecedent. 搭桥参照是指话语中照应语同先行语之间没有直接联系的一种参照形式。
- Hub sites override a direct connection and force messages to be processed by the Hub Transport servers in the hub site. 中心站点会覆盖直接连接,并将邮件强制交由集线器站点中的集线器传输服务器来处理。
- The EMO EIB was the first electromotive actuator with direct connection to the European installation bus. EMO EIB是第一种电动机驱动的执行机构,可直接连接在欧洲标准安装总线上。
- You can use any supported Web browser to view a report through a direct connection to a report server. 通过与报表服务器直接连接,您可以使用支持的任何Web浏览器查看报表。
- All Exchange servers within a network that have a direct connection to the Internet are exposed to the Internet. 网络内部所有可直接连接到Internet的Exchange服务器都将暴露在Internet中。
- They should not be mistaken for the modern Rosicrucian groups, which have no direct connection with the ancient movement. 他们不应被误认为现代蔷薇十字会组织,后者与这一古老运动没有直接联系。
- DCTC - DCTC (Direct Connect Text Client) is a library that gives access to the direct connect world, like IRC but more file-sharing oriented. 是一个为访问直接连接世界提供的库,像IRC一样,但是更像一个面向文件共享的系统。
- This correlation implies a direct connection between internal structure and surface properties as represented by convolution. 这个相关性表示出内部结构和天然转曲所代表的表面性能之间的直接关系。
- SSL is a point-to-point protocol that secures direct connections between hosts. SSL是一种保护主机间直接连接的点对点协议。