- This process is often called a direct reduction. 我们时常把这个过程称之为直接归纳。
- Design of Direct Reduction Plant at Tianjin Steel Tube Co. 天津钢管公司直接还原厂工厂设计
- The production technology and automatic control on the DRC Direct Reduction Ironmaking Plant at Tianjin Steel Tube Co. 天津钢管公司DRC直接还原厂生产工艺与自动控制
- Direct reduction iron powders could be used as raw feed for steelmaking by electric furnace sfter cold bounding. 该工艺为硫酸烧渣的利用开辟了新的途径。
- The characteristics and the smelting functions of direct reduction iron (DRI) in EAF have been comprehen sively reviewed and discussed in this paper. 对直接还原铁 (DRI)性能及其在电弧炉冶炼的特性作了较全面的论述。
- To thinking of the quality of DRI two parts, namely direct reduction and steelmaking on electric furnace must be considered. 直接还原铁质量,必须兼顾直接还原生产和电炉炼钢两个生产环节。
- It is proved that RE could be attained by direct reduction of Al, while Mg could be produced by electrolysis on cathode. 结果表明:RE是由Al直接还原得到,而Mg是由电解得到的;
- The characteristics and the smelting functions of direct reduction iron (DRI) in EAF have been comprehensively reviewed and discussed in this paper. 对直接还原铁(DRI)性能及其在电弧炉冶炼的特性作了较全面的论述。
- It can avoid the particles gathering and colour blackening if the potassium is added in direct reduction for MoO 2 from secondary ammonium molybdate. 仲钼酸铵直接还原成二氧化钼时加钾,可克服产生颗粒聚集、颜色发黑等还原不良现象。
- The characteristics of grain growth of metallic phase in direct reduction of high phosphorus oolitic hematite by carbon are discussed in the paper. 研究鄂西高磷鲕状赤铁矿直接还原过程中金属铁颗粒的长大特性,并着重讨论还原温度、渣相碱度及反应时间对铁颗粒长大的影响。
- The hematoma is evacuated, and the fracture is reduced utilizing direct reduction techniques combined with longitudinal traction on the flexed elbow. 吸净血肿,利用直接复位结合纵向牵引技术复位屈曲肘关节骨折碎片。
- By direct reduction of manganese oxide with phenylamine, silver-manganese associated ore is treated to separate silver from manganese in acidic medium. 在酸性介质中,应用苯胺直接还原氧化锰工艺处理银锰共生氧化锰矿,使银锰分离。
- This paper gives a brief description of the present state of blast furnace,direct reduction,smelting reduction and cementite technology. 炼铁工艺主要有高炉工艺、直接还原和熔融还原工艺,正在研究开发的还有碳化铁工艺。
- By retort mechanism of direct reduction,the preparation direct reduction iron with scale oxide is studied in the laboratory. 利用罐式法直接还原原理在试验室进行了氧化铁鳞制取直接还原铁的研究。
- COF direct reduction process,in which carbon-bearing pellet bed covered by a coal layer is open-flame heated, has been investigated. 对盖碳保护下敞焰加热含碳球团堆积料层的直接还原方法(COF法)进行了研究。
- This means that, for the first time, banks can bring about a direct reduction in their capital requirements by demonstrating that they are managing their risks effectively. 即是说,银行首次可以透过证明其具备有效管理风险的能力,而得以直接减低其资本要求。
- The Davy-DRC technology has been adopted by Direct reduction Plant at Tianjin Steel Tube Co. . The production capability for DRI at the plant is 300 thousands t/a. 天津钢管公司直接还原厂采用了Davy-DRC直接还原技术,工厂年产直接还原铁30万t。
- With the experimental conditions, the beginning reaction temperature of direct reduction is 656 K, the nitrogenization occurs at 1 160 K, and VN translates into VC at 1 560 K. 本试验条件下直接还原的开始温度为656K,氮化的开始温度为1160K,氮化钒转化为碳化钒的温度为1560K。
- The effects of binder and damp mill on green balls,the process for preheated pellets with high strength and easy reduction,and coal-based direct reduction iron(DRI) were studied. 以新疆磁铁精矿为原料,采用“一步法”直接还原,研究粘结剂种类和润磨方式对生球质量的影响,高强度、高还原性预热球团的制备及煤基直接还原的工艺。
- The results indicated that direct reduction of nitrobenzene took place on copper cathode, i.e. the typical catalyzed iron inner-electrolysis characteristics. 结果表明,硝基苯能在铜电极上直接发生得电子还原反应,此即催化铁内电解法反应机理的显著特点。