- direct balance of energy 能量直接平衡
- Using clean mining technique in order to protect ecological environment, to keep the balance of energy resources procreation, consumption and ecology. 为了保护好生态环境,必须采用清洁开采技术,才能保持能源生产、消费和生态之间的平衡。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某种形态的能量改变成另一形态的能量是可能的。
- The general principles for energy balance of inlan. 内河港口能量平衡通则。
- Calculating methods for energy balance of marine d. 船舶柴油机动力装置能量平衡计算方法。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- The account have a credit balance of£1,000. 这个帐户有余额1000英镑。
- Adding rumen bypass fat into the diets for high producing dairy cows is an important, economic and feasible way to resolve the problem of energy negative balance of high producing dairy cows. 摘要在奶牛日粮中添加过瘤胃脂肪是解决高产奶牛能量负平衡问题重要而经济可行的途径。
- The balance of terror have replace the balance of power. 恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡。
- As a matter of fact, light is a form of energy. 其实,光是能的一种形式。
- Who discovered the conservation of energy? 谁发现了能量守恒?
- The sun is the ultimate source of energy. 太阳是能量的最基本来源。
- The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。
- The dancers didn't have an ounce of energy left. 舞蹈演员们用尽了体力。
- This painting has a pleasing balance of shapes and colours. 这幅画在构图和色彩方面都十分谐调。
- Long ago scientists knew that current was a form of energy. 很久以前科学家就知道电流是能的一种形式。
- Mankind have been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature. 人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡。
- May I take the balance of my holidays next month? 我能否在下个月使用还没休完的假期?
- The job called for all my resources of energy and patience. 这项工作需要我拿出自己的全部精力和耐性。
- The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock. 贵方所订购货物之其余部分,一俟我方进货即可供应。