- We suggest that an agreement be reached that the two sides will begin consultations on the question of Hong Kong through diplomatic channels. 我们建议达成这样一个协议,即双方同意通过外交途径开始进行香港问题的磋商。
- Greater benefits can be achieved through diplomatic channels than by acts of aggression. 通过外交渠道要比侵略方式获得更大的利益。
- As regards these questions,we have consistently stood for negotiations through diplomatic channels. 对这些问题,我们一贯主张通过外交途径进行谈判。
- But as to when l will pay a visit to Japan,that can be discussed through diplomatic channels. 至于我何时能够访问日本,要通过外交途径来商量。
- I told him I was makng a major effort through quiet diplomatic channels to bring about an end to the fighting. 我告诉他说,我正在通过秘密外交渠道进行一项重大努力,以求结束这场战斗。
- The South Korea Government has already sent the message to Indonesia through diplomatic channels. 韩国政府已经通过外交渠道向印尼方面转达了这一信息。
- I told him I was making a major effort through quiet diplomatic channels to bring about an end to the fighting. 我告诉他说,我正在通过秘密外交渠道进行一项重大努力,以求结束这场战斗。
- In the absence of such treaties, they shall be effected through diplomatic channels. 没有条约关系的,通过外交途径进行。
- A claim for compensation for damage shall be presented to a launching State through diplomatic channels. 赔偿损害的要求,应通过外交途径向发射国提出。
- Through diplomatic channels You should go through the official channels if you want the government to help. 你应该通过正式渠道来争取政府的帮助。
- To avoid a possible invasion by its neighbor, the country is seeking help through diplomatic channels. 为避免邻国入侵,这个国家正通过外交途径寻求帮助。
- As regards these questions, we have consistently stood for negotiations through diplomatic channels. 对这些问题,我们一贯主张通过外交途径进行谈判。
- The People's Republic of China and foreign states shall communicate with each other through diplomatic channels for extradition. 第四条中华人民共和国和外国之间的引渡,通过外交途径联系。
- The criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities shall be solved through diplomatic channels. 第十一条享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。
- The problem of criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunity is to be resolved through diplomatic channels. 享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。
- Article 11 The criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities shall be solved through diplomatic channels. 第十一条享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。
- If the request is submitted through diplomatic channels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall, without delay, transmit it to the Ministry of Public Security. 对于通过外交途径提出申请的,外交部应当及时将该申请转送公安部。
- We should go farther in this matter; She went through a lot of trouble; go about the world in a certain manner; Messages must go through diplomatic channels. 我们对这个问题的研究还要继续进行。
- We've consistently stood for negotiations through diplomatic channel to reach a fair solution of the problem. 我们一贯主张通过外交途径,公平合理地解决这个问题。
- We've consistently stood for negotiations through diplomatic channel to reach a fair solution of Iraqi problem. 我们一贯主张通过外交途径,公平合理地解决伊拉克问题。