- dip dyeing machine 浸染机
- Upmarket dyeing machine and the 40-odd set of finishing facilities. 高档染色机40余台及一整套后整理配套设施。
- Wuxi Xingcheng Printing And Dyeing Machine Co., Ltd. 无锡兴成印染机械有限公司。
- A cloudy appearance can be achieved by reactive dip dyeing of rayon crepe in rope form. 介绍采用活性染料浸染方式,在绳状染色机上进行人棉绉布染色工艺和操作方法,以获得云彩状的效果。
- Reactive dyeing with jet fluid dyeing machine tends to result in uneven shades. 活性染料采用喷射液流染色机染色,容易产生色泽不匀。
- In accordance with the chemical absorption principle, newly developed CF-2, CF-3 are able to link between fi-bre and pigment particles, there by they can be used in pigment dip dyeing without any binder. 采用化学吸附原理,使用化学吸附剂CF-2、CF-3对纤维与涂料粒子进行架桥吸附,从而使涂料在无粘合剂的情况下,用浸染方法对纤维进行染色。
- Our products are mercirizing machine, continuous mangle &dyeing machine, printing machine, loop steamer, stenter and dryer. 公司主要产品有:丝光机,连续轧染,印花机,长环蒸化机及拉幅定型机、烘燥系列,产品畅销国内外。
- The article mainly described the digestion of LLC 100/100 HTHPpackage dyeing machine made by HISAKA. 本文主要介绍了日本日阪公司 LLC-100/100型高温高压筒子纱染色机的主要技术性能。
- To study the pretreatment process of desizing, kiering and bleaching on flax/cotton fabric by using Overflow dyeing machine. 探讨使用溢流染色机对麻棉织物进行退煮、漂白前处理工艺。
- The applications of the substitutive alkali SL to dip dyeing with reactive dyes were studied,and the differences between SL and soda in fixation and effects were compared. 对活性染料代用固色碱SL在活性染料浸染染色工艺中的应用性能进行研究,并比较使用固色碱SL与传统固色碱碳酸钠在应用性能和效果上的差别。
- The Material Inspection and Accident Analysis on the Heat Exchanger of MK5A-140-2LT High Temperature Dyeing Machine from Fong Co. 立信公司MK5A-140-2LT高温染色机换热器检验及事故分析
- It is suitable for the dryness part of paper machine and printing and dyeing machine, also for the fabrics of wash coal and horizontal delt. 它适用于造纸机干燥部及印染机干燥部,以及洗煤用网和水平带式洗浆机用网等。
- Factors affecting the quality of dip dyeing 影响浸染染色质量的因素
- In this article, the writer introduced a kind of leather dyeing machine, which can be applied to a new dyeing method (i.e. through dyeing ). 本文介绍了一种新的使用对辊染革机对皮革进行染色的方法(即通过式染色)。
- Dip dyeing of cotton cheese with vat dye 纯棉筒子纱还原染料浸染工艺
- Reactive dyeing with jet fluid dyeing machine tends to result in uneven shades. Its causes are analyzed and measures to solve the problems are given. 活性染料采用喷射液流染色机染色,容易产生色泽不匀。为此分析了产生问题的原因,并提出了解决问题的措施。
- Haiyang dyeing machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is specializing in the production of dyeing and finishing of the enterprise. 海阳染整机制造有限公司是专业生产染整机的企业。
- Tension control methods and magnetic-powder clutch, inverters,servo control principle of several dyeing machine were introduced. 研究了通过调节数控机床伺服参数,控制极限切削宽度来抑制切削颤振的新方法。
- A continuous dyeing machine, no matter what its production output and machine width, needs to produce reliably, reproducibly, economically and ecologically. 连续染色机,无论它的产量和幅宽如何,都需具备生产的可靠性、重现性、经济性和生态性。
- High temperature atomized air flow dyeing machine adopts the principle of aerodynamics,i.e.uses air flow generated by special fan as power to circulate fabric in kier. 高温气流雾化染色机是采用空气力学原理,有特制的风机产生的气流体作为动力,是织物在染缸内循环运行。