- Of, belonging to, or designating the time and deposits of the second period of the Mesozoic Era, characterized by the existence of dinosaurs and the appearance of the earliest mammals and birds. 侏罗纪的,侏罗系的(属于或界定为)中生代时代第二期的时间和矿床的。该时期以恐龙的存在和最早的哺乳动物和鸟类的出现为特征
- Experts are still unsure about the ancestry of pterosaurs. They are currently classified as belonging to a group of reptiles known as archosaurs, which include crocodiles, dinosaurs and birds. 专家学者对于翼龙究竟如何演进而来仍然没有定论。牠们目前被分类归在祖龙类,这一种爬虫类包括鳄鱼、恐龙和鸟类。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The Bone Museum: Travels in the Lost Worlds of Dinosaurs and Birds 龙骨博物馆:在恐龙与鸟类的失落世界旅行
- presumably in the common ancestral line to dinosaurs and crocodiles and birds. 可能是恐龙、鳄鱼和鸟的共同祖先。
- presumably in the common ancestral line to dinosaurs and crocodiles and birds 可能是恐龙、鳄鱼和鸟的共同祖先
- I might combine a dinosaur and a rabbit. 我可以把一只恐龙和一只兔子合起来。
- Many animals and birds are now extinct. 许多鸟兽现已绝种。
- The sun was shining and birds were singing. 阳光照耀,鸟儿啼啭。
- There was no food or water for dinosaurs and they died, too. 恐龙没有了食物和水,他们也死了。
- Spring is near and birds are a chirping. 春天走近了。
- Did dinosaurs and humans live on Earth at the same time? 恐与人类曾否同时在地球上生活?
- Shakes, fish, and birds are all animals. 蛇、鱼、鸟都是动物。
- Human beings and birds are bipeds. 人类和鸟类都是两足动物。
- Many animals and birds ard now extinct. 许多鸟兽已经绝种。
- Special remind:Dinosaur and frog prince origin laws obsolescent. 特别提醒:恐龙和青蛙王子本定律不适用。
- Amphibians and birds do differ significantly. 两栖类和鸟类之间有显著的差别。
- Is the love between the fish and bird. 是鱼与鸟相爱时;
- Histoplasmosis is a disease carried by bats and birds. 组织胞浆菌病是由蝙蝠和鸟类传播的疾病。
- The fossils offer clues to the evolution of the dinosaurs and shed new light on the rise of birds, mammals and flowering plants. 这批化石为恐的演化提供了线索,并成为研究鸟类、哺乳类动物和开花植物的崛起等课题的新材料。