- dilatation invariance 扩张不变性
- Invariance refers to areas of agreement. 不变性指的是一致的部分。
- Causing dilatation of the pupils. 瞳孔开大的使瞳孔扩大的
- Pyelectasis with or without ureteral dilatation. 肾盂扩张伴有或不伴有尿道扩张。
- The invariance of physical laws enters in two ways. 物理定律的不变性以两种方式体现.
- Chronic dilatation of the bronchial tubes. (细)支气管扩张支气管的慢性扩张
- The form invariance is a new symmetry. 形式不变性是一种新的对称性。
- There is progressive ventricular dilatation. 渐进发展的脑室扩大。
- Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication. 急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。
- This size invariance is one reason Java programs are so portable. 这种大小的不可更改正是Java程序具有很强移植能力的原因之一。
- After natural abortion must dilatation and curettage? 自然流产后必须刮宫吗?
- Invariance under translation in time leads to conservation of energy. 在时间平移下的不变性导致能量守恒。
- Time reversal invariance is a very useful symmetry in subatomic physics. 时间反演不变性在亚原子物理中仍然是一种很有用的对称性。
- The invariance cf node numbering sensitivity( N-invariance) is also discussed. 从而为广义协调元提供了一种变分依据。
- As dilatation occurs, capillaries become abnormally permeable to proteins. 随着扩张的发生,毛细血管对蛋白变得异常地易于渗透。
- There are dilatation of blood sinus, hemolysis, macrophage reactions erc. 脾血窦扩张、溶血及巨噬细胞反应等现象;
- A new method of multi-objeets rotation invariance classfieation is presented. 提出一种多目标旋转不变分类识别的新方法。
- We have proved the invariance of M only with the implicit assumption w/? 锁 ?. 仅仅在暗中假定w/?锁?时,我们才证明了M的不变性。
- The invariance of the interval further strengthens that view of a kind of "interchangeability" between space and time. 间隔的不变性进一步加强了空间和时间之间具有某种“可交换性”的那种观点。
- The only strain is a shear strain and the dilatation is zero, these waves are called shear waves. 唯一的应变是剪应变而没有膨胀,这种波叫剪切波。