- Character master: A photographic or digitized fount which is used to create typeset images. The term is used to refer to filmstrips, discs, and digitized founts within phototypesetting equipment. Also called Character store. 字符母片:用来产生字体影像的一副照相或数码字体。在照相排字机方面,它包括长条菲林带、圆碟和数码形式的一副字体。亦称字模库。
- Digital fount (font): A typeface fount converted to digital form for storage on magnetic medium. Good resolution digital type may consist of 600 dots per cm (1500 dots per inch). 一副数码字:一副印刷字体转换为数码形式,以贮存于磁性媒体上。解像度高的数码字可由 厘米600点( 时1500点)组成。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- The term is used to refer to filmstrips, discs, and digitized founts within phototypesetting equipment . 在照相排字机方面,它包括长条菲林带、圆碟和数码形式的一副字体。
- Third-generation phototypesetter: Fully computerized phototypesetting system which uses digital fount and cathode ray tubes to generate the typographical images and expose the film. 第三代照排机:全电脑化的照相排字系统。它采用数码字体,用阴极射线管传发图文影像,并把菲林曝光。
- Phototypesetting machine (Phototypesetter): A device for setting type by photographecally exposing film or paper through a film matrix fount or a digital fount; usually controlled by keyboard, tape, disc, or signals from a computer system. 照相排字机:用光经一副菲林字模或一副数码字在菲林或相纸上曝光排字的机器;它通常由键盘、磁带、磁碟或由电脑系统所发出的讯号控制。
- Third-generation phototypesetter Fully computerised phototypesetting system which uses digital fount and cathode ray tubes to generate the typographical images and expose the film. 第三代照排机全电脑化的照相排字系统。它采用数码字体,用阴极射线管传发图文影像,并把菲林曝光。
- 3.Character master: A photographic or digitized fount which is used to create typeset images. 字符母片:用来产生字体影像的一副照相或数码字体。
- The old man is a fount of wisdom. 这位老者有无穷的智慧。
- Pertaining to an operation involving more than one digit. 用于修饰或说明涉及多位数字的运算。
- A binary check digit;for example, a parity bit. 一个二进制校验位,例如奇偶位。
- digitized fount 数字化铅字
- The number represented by the digit or digits in2. 在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。
- Damascus-the fount of modern Arab nationalism. 圣达马苏斯一世--现代阿拉伯民族主义的发起人
- Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences. 她的演说对于听众来说永远是灵感之源。
- In the decimal form of a number, a digit that is not significant. 占位符号在一个数的小数形式中,没有意义的数字
- Damascus?he fount of modern Arab nationalism. 圣达马苏斯一世--现代阿拉伯民族主义的发起人
- We fount it an easy thing to get along with him. 我们发现和他相处很容易
- This picture has been digitized by a scanner. 这幅图已由扫描仪进行了数字化。
- Font: American spelling of fount. 一副字:英文是美氏写法。