- digital video camcorder 数码摄录机
- Or is the iPod the first in a full suite of Apple-flavored, network-enabled media appliances--TV, digital camera, camcorder, digital video recorder, video-game player? 当然,部落格相对来说也是比较具有真实不作假特性的场域。
- Digital video is very new to us. 数码录像对我们来说很新鲜。
- China Film Salon Digital Video Films Ltd. 中影沙龙影视数字制作技术有限公司。
- A design of digital video mixing system. 数字视频混合系统的设计。
- It is the very latest in digital video cameras. 这是最新式的数码摄录机。
- The clip was recorded on a digital video camera. 这段影像被录制在一个数码相机上。
- The wave of UFO activity continued in the skies over Mexico and, due to the video camcorder, became the most documented mass sighting ever. 风波继续活跃于墨西哥上空,归功于可携式摄像机,成为最具备证明文件的视觉聚集。
- Use the Movies folder to store your digital video files and movies. 使用“影片”文件夹以存储您的数码视频文件和影片。
- Which types of digital video cameras and connections can I use to import video? 可以使用哪些类型的数字摄像机和连接来导入视频?
- WD understands the challenges facing digital video recorder designers. WD理解数字录像机设计师所面临的挑战。
- This can be proven by viewing AVI files using most digital video players. 这可以通过使用大多数视频播放器观看AVI格式来证明。
- Digital cameras and digital video cameras began to appear last year. 数码相机和数码摄像机是去年开始出现的。
- Get creative ! :the digital video idea book /Todd Stauffer and Nina Parikh. 日本植民地教育政策史料集成:朝鲜篇.;第29巻/渡部学;阿部洋编
- A transcoder for transcoding digital video signals includes a decoder and an encoder. 一种转换编码器,用以转换编码数位视讯,并包含一个解码器及一个编码器。
- High sensitivity Digital Video Recording(DVR) including Line-in Audio Recording, VoiceRecording thru Mic. 高清晰数字录音,包括线录和麦克风录音。
- Here are solutions to some common problems with importing video from a digital video (DV) camera. 以下是有关从数字(DV)摄像机导入视频的一些常见问题的解决方案。
- Seagate SV 35 Series hard drives are engineered specifically for use in digital video surveillance systems. Seagate SV 35系列硬盘驱动器专门设计用于数字视频监视系统。
- Yes, it has these extras, but if that's your main interest, check out digital video cameras instead. 是的,它有这些额外功能,但如果那是你的主要兴趣所在,你还是应该去试试数码摄像机。
- You can import live video from a digital video (DV) camera to your computer by using Import Video. 使用“导入视频”可以将现场视频从数字(DV)摄像机导入到计算机。