- digital video broadcast ing 数字视频广播技术
- Local MPEG-2 video streams are typically transported via an interface known as digital video broadcast asynchronous serial interface. 本地的MPEG-2视频流一般是通过称作数字视频广播异步串行接口传输出去的。
- LCVS is suitable for those digital VSS that can supply services similar to broadcast,such as NVoD (Near Video-on-Demand),DVB (Digital Video Broadcast),etc. LCVS适用于提供NVoD(Near Video-on-Demand)、DVB(Digital Video Broadcast)等类似于广播性质的数字视频服务系统。
- SDVB Switched Digital Video Broadcast 交换式数字视频广播
- Method of Digital Video Broadcast Play 数字卫星电视播放系统实现方案
- Open-DVB is an open implementation of digital video broadcasting (DVB) distributed under the BSD license. DVB是在BSD许可下发布的数字视频广播(DVB)的一个开源实现。
- Open-DVB - Open-DVB is an open implementation of digital video broadcasting (DVB) distributed under the BSD license. DVB是在BSD许可下发布的数字视频广播(DVB)的一个开源实现。
- Proposes a solution that can support quality of service guarantees on digital video broadcasting (DVB). 研究在数字视频广播(DVB)平台上对用户数据流提供服务质量保证。
- The use of IP broadcast can waste more network resources because not all computer require those messages. Therefore, we can adhibit IP multicast technology for digital video broadcasting to make use of network resource effectively. 由于不是所有的主机都需要这些报文 ,因此IP广播浪费了网络资源 ,而将IP组播技术用于数字视频广播 ,能有效地利用网络资源。
- With DAB (digital audio broadcast) OFDM was used for the first time for wireless transmission. The decision to vise OFDM for the digital video broadcasting standard DVB-T followed at the beginnings of the nineties. 数字音频广播(Digital Audio Broadcast,DAB)的出现,使得OFDM技术首次应用于无线传输系统,并于20世纪90年代,应用于欧洲的数字视频地面广播(DVB-T)标准。
- With the development of the Broadcasting & Video network, the Monitoring System on DVB(Digital Video Broadcasting) is becoming more and more important. 随着我国广电网络的数字化改造的逐步深入。对数字电视系统的监测越来越显得重要。
- ETSI TS 103 197: Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) [R]. Head-end implementation of DVB SimulCrypt.ETSI. www.etsi.org.2003. 王风伟,齐月玲.;数字电视与网络电视从现状与发展趋势[C]
- ETSI ETS 300 744. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);Frame Structure, Channel Coding and Modulation for Digital Terrestrial Television (DVB-T). ETSI, March 1997. 杨林;龚克;杨知行.;正交频分复用调制系统中保护间隔的填充方法
- With the Digital Video Broadcasting(DVB) tecnology has been widely used in the world, traditional analog signal receivers will be replaced by digital ones gradually. 随着数字视频广播DVB技术的不断发展和广泛应用,传统的模拟接收设备逐渐被数字接收设备所代替。
- Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcast ing. 有些人可能认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹.
- This article try to prompt a new scheme to tackles these problems, and implements a reliable file multicasting system on DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) network. 本文试图提供一种新的解决方案来克服以上的种种障碍,在DVB网络(数字视频广播网络)上实现一个可靠文件广播系统。
- ETSI EN 300 744, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial television, European Standard. 黄富生;”数位电视内接收机同步系统之设计与实现;“国立中央大学博士论;2006.
- Living and Recorded Satellite Digital Video Broadcast Receive 直、录播卫星数字电视的接收
- These design innovations result in unparalleled cost of ownership which helps our customers increase market share in the competitive world of consumer electronics and digital video broadcasting. 这些设计革新使拥有成本降到前所未有的水平,有助于我们的客户增加在竞争日趋激烈的消费电子和数字视频广播市场的份额。
- Current NDIS versions used by Windows For Workgroups (WFW). Windows 9X and Windows NT are Microsoft proprietary specifications. This paper introduces how to realize encapsulation of IP datagram on a LAN in Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) with NDIS. 本文讨论了在数字视频广播中,依据Windows网络体系结构,在局端设备中将实现将局域网的IP数据报封装DVB中数据分段中的协议驱动程序。