- digital soil specimens museum 数字土壤标本馆
- Shao L.T., Wang Zh.P., Digital image processing technique for measurement of the local deformation of soil specimen in triaxial test, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2002. 王助贫,三轴土样局部变形的数字图像测量方法,岩土工程学报,2002。
- shear wave velocity of soil specimen 土样剪切波速
- Digital image processing technique for measurement of the local deformation of soil specimen in triaxial test 三轴土样局部变形的数字图像测量方法
- Digital Soil Map of the World and Derived Soil Properties -- CD-ROM 世界数字土壤分布图以及衍生的土壤特性
- Research on influence of end effect of soil specimens in triaxial tests 三轴试验土样的端部影响问题研究
- Significance of Construction of Zoological and Botanical Specimen Museum in Agriculture Universities 高等农业院校建立动植物标本馆的意义
- Demo Systems of digital museum are implemented. 以上述数字博物馆模型和体系结构设计为指导,开展了对数字博物馆系统的实现工作。
- Test Method for Laboratory Preparation of Chemically Grouted Soil Specimens for Obtaining Design Strength Parameters 达到设计强度参数的化学灌浆土壤样品的实验室制备方法
- Discussion on"Experimental research on the shape and size effect of cement-stabilized soil specimen strength" 关于"水泥土强度的试件形状和尺寸效应试验研究"的讨论
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。
- Study on ultrasonic shear wave velocity measuring instrument and method used for soil specimen 土样剪切波速超声测试装置与方法研究
- Practice on Building "Digital Soil and Water Conservation" of the Yellow River Basin 黄河流域"数字水土保持"建设实践
- A new double cell triaxial system for continuous measurement of volume changes of an unsaturated or saturated soil specimen in triaxial test 新双室三轴仪用于非饱和土体积变化的连续测量和三轴压缩试验
- Standard Test Method for Determining the Effect of Freeze-Thaw on Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted or Undisturbed Soil Specimens Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter 使用一柔壁渗透计对压实的或非分散性土壤样品液体导电性冻融效果测定的标准试验方法
- Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. 柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。
- Not so with digital time, which is a pulse. 但数字时间则不然,它是一种脉动。
- This is my newly bought digital watch. 这是我新买的数字手表。
- Yes, you can sharpen a digital image in software. 是的,你可以用软体来增加影像锐利度。