- Discussion: The Promises and Failures of the Digital Revolution. 讨论:数位革命带来的失落与许诺。
- Unfearing the Financial Crisis,but the Digital Revolution! 不惧怕金融危机,惧怕数字革命!
- The digital revolution fueled the stock market bubble of the late nineties. 数位革命造成了九零年代后期的股市泡沫化现象。
- The digital revolution is both necessitating and facilitating radical changes in how and what we learn. 在我们如何学习及我们应学些什麽的问题上,数位革命正推动著根本的变化,并使成为不可或缺的一环。
- Art direction is pro, but the sound isunfortunately reminiscent of the unfiltered recording style favored bySoutheast's Asia's digital revolution. 艺术指导是这部电影的优点。遗憾的是,电影的音响录制仍是使用的老式非过滤性录制手段,尽管东南亚已经经受了数字革命的洗礼。
- So even if you don't remember the dark ages before CDs, you may soon be able to enjoy down-loadable old-time music, courtesy of the digital revolution. 所以尽管你对CD机之前的音乐黑暗时代没什么印象;但在数字革命的眷顾下;不久后你就可以能享受下载旧时音乐.
- He also cautioned that despite the many benefits of the digital revolution, some technology could waste people's time if they weren't careful. 他还提醒大家,尽管数字革命带来了诸多好处,但如果人们不用心,一些技术反而会浪费大家的时间。
- As the digital revolution brings with it radical changes in how and what we learn, people must continue to learn all the time. 数位革命给我们在如何学习和学习什麽上带来了根本的变革,人们必须持续学习。
- Bottom line: we will have a more compelling story to take to our clients, and a greater ability to keep them connected to people as the digital revolution continues. 我们将会给我们的客户一个引人注目的故事,一个更好的技术能力让他们在不断变革的数字时代与人们保持联系。
- Satellite TV and the digital revolution is making humanity more and more invisible to inquisitive aliens on other planets, the world's leading ET hunter said today. 卫星电视和数码革命使人类越来越不能被在其他行星上的好奇外星人所看见的,世界领先的ET猎人今天说。
- The trouble with the digital revolution, says MIT Media Lab director Neil Gershenfeld in his book When Things Start to Think, is that computers may have speeded up many of the processes of modem life, but they still remain relatively difficult to use. 麻省理工学院媒体实验室主任尼尔·格申菲尔德在他的著作《当事物开始思考》一书中写道,数字革命的困扰在于计算机可能加快了现代生活多方面的进程,但它们仍然相当难以使用。
- Not long from now, the seemingly endless expansion of computer power that has propelled the digital revolution of the past two decades will stop unless major breakthroughs take place. 电脑的功能似乎在无止境的扩大,推动了过去二十年的数字革命,然而在不久的将来,如果没有大的突破,这种扩大将会终止。
- The Digital Revolution of Radiology in 21 Century 21世纪放射学的数字化革命
- Medical thermostat water bath cauldron is widely used in clinic,but its temperature control is not accurate.This paper presents a digitalized revolution on medical thermostat water bath cauldron. 医用恒温水浴锅在临床上使用广泛,但控温不准,针对此情况特进行数控化技术革新。
- On the Current State and Prospects of Digital Revolution In Changshu College 常熟高专信息化建设现状与发展
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。
- Digitalized revolution on medical thermostat water bath cauldron 医用恒温水浴锅的数控化革新
- Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. 柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。
- How Revolutionary Was The Digital Revolution: National Responses, market Transitions, and Global Technology 如何革命才是数字革命:国家响应、市场转型与全球技术
- Not so with digital time, which is a pulse. 但数字时间则不然,它是一种脉动。