- digital radio path 数字无线通道
- In transmission systems, the structure or path along which the signal is propa-gated, such as wire pair, coaxial cable, waveguide, optical fiber, or radio path. 在传输系统中可传播信号的结构或路径,如导线对、同轴电缆、波导管、光导纤维或无线电路等。
- DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale) is a digital audio broadcasting system for the frequency below 30 MHz. 全球范围的数字广播系统DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale),是一种针对30MHz以下频段的数字声音广播系统。
- Siemens is proud to present the secure digital radio communication system TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio). 西门子隆重推出安全的数字无线通信系统:TETRA数字集群通信系统.
- A new digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) system architecture based on digital channelized receiver is introduced. 提出一种基于数字信道化接收的数字射频存储(DRFM)系统设计方法。
- DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) is a flexible digital sound broudcasting system for terrestrial broadcasting in bands below 30MHz. 数字调幅广播DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale)系统是1999年世界上几十个国家广播机构联合开发的应用于30MHz以下频段的地面数字声音广播系统。
- Digital Radio Broadcasting (DAB) is a broadband, nearly CD quality, digital broadcasting, suit for terresestrial and satellite broadcasting. 数字音频广播DAB(Digital Audio Broadcasting)系统是宽带的接近CD质量的数字广播,适用于地面和卫星广播;
- In the paper,digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) is applied to airborne radio fuze jammer to jam pulse distance-detecting fuze and pulse Doppler fuze. 将数字射频存储器(DRFM)应用到机载无线电引信干扰机中用来对脉冲测距引信和脉冲多普勒引信进行干扰。
- In UK, Lobster 700 TV able to receive digital radio stations as well as BBC1, ITV1, E4 and a special channel called Channel 4 Shortcuts. 在英国,龙虾700电视能接收数字广播电台以及bbc1,鼠疫,e4类和特殊频道4频道捷径。
- Sony Corp. announced it will sell HD digital radio players in July, making it one of the largest manufacturers to back the radio's industry's next-generation broadcast technology. 索尼公司宣布今年7月份将开始销售高清晰数字收音机,这将使索尼成为最大的支持下一代广播新技术的生产商。
- Radio Path Acknowledgement Tone LT 无线通道确认音
- MII in 2000 to adopt the international TETRA standard for digital radio in China, particularly for use by police, fire, ambulance, transport, ports and metros. 此种情况的出现是由于信息产业部在2000年决定,在中国全面推广国际TETRA数字无线电标准,尤其是警务、消防、救护车、运输、港口和地铁等领域。
- It is very essential to make emphatically a study of chanel fading so as to design reasonably radio systems and develop high capacity digital radio relay systems. 指出加强对微波传输衰落的研究,对于经济合理地进行系统设计、发展我国高速率的数字通信是至关重要的。
- SCM system to collect the information to digital radio and digital wireless radio transmission, then digital radio receivers to receive the information to the computer. 系统中单片机采集到的信息传给数字电台,利用数字电台进行无线传输,再将数字电台接收机接收到的信息传给计算机。
- Companies engaged mainly in camera sensor, DSP sales, MCU, SCM, IC development and marketing, Europe and the United States format of the LG Digital Radio decoding module sales. 公司主要从事摄像头传感器、DSP的销售,MCU,单片机,IC的开发和销售,欧美格式的LG数字收音机解码模块销售工作。
- Its broadcast media encompass 11 analog TV channels, 34 digital cable pay TV services, a broadband Internet TV service, 10 analog radio services and 19 digital radio services. 旗下的广播电视媒体包括11套模拟电视频道,34套有线数字付费电视,整套独立的宽频网络电视;广播媒体包括10套模拟广播频率,19套数字广播;
- The use of digital radio transmission and the advanced handover algorithms between radio cells in GSM networks allows for significantly better frequency usage than in analogue cellular systems,thus increasing the number of subscribers that can be served. GSM网络使用数线传输和先进的无线越区切换算法,可以得到比模拟蜂窝系统好得多的频率利用,因而增加了服务的用户数。
- In this thesis, a series of coded modulation schemes based on irregular LDPC codes are employed, after exploration of international standard proposed by Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). 本文在深入研究DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale)标准中的编码调制方案的基础上,提出了基于非正则LDPC码的一系列编码调制技术。
- Software defined radio technique migrates the traditional analog and digital radio platforms to flexible software radio platforms that can support multiple communication standards. 而软件无线电技术将传统的模拟和数字无线电平台转换成更具弹性的软件无线电平台,以支持多样化的通信标准。
- Throughout its history, the company has always kept learning and looking ahead, making it a pioneer in digitizing radio and TV. 不断的学习和前瞻始终贯穿着朗沃的发展历史,使得它成为数字化电台和电视领域的先锋。