- digital pressure analyzer 数字式压力分析仪
- Digital pressure gauges provide a digital local indication independent from mains supply. 数字压力表提供了独立于主电源的现场数字显示。
- Presser foot adjustment screw graved with graduation makes digital pressure control easy and precise. 压脚调节螺栓上刻有刻度,数字化调节更易控制压脚压力,因此,压脚压力可轻松而准确的重设。
- Optionally, the SATAjet 3000 models are available with the reliable and wellknown digital pressure measurement and indication. 3000有著名的数字版可供选择,直接测量和显示压力。
- The application of unique massage technique, together with digital pressure and fat press, can relax the tightened muscles, vitalize the spirit, and help to reshape the body. 采用独特的按摩手法,结合穴位指压以及推脂动作,放松紧绷的肌肉,使人精神焕发,减肥收紧的效果。
- Brisk Bleeding,uncontrolled by digital pressure, located a transverse wound 2.5cm long, high in the left ventricle just to the left of the anterior interventricular artery. 指压法难以止住左室壁上方一个横向伤口的冒血;
- Brisk Bleeding,uncontrolled by digital pressure, located a transverse wound 2.5cm long, high in the left ventricle just to the left of the anterior interventricular artery. This was closed with interrupted loss sutures. 指压法难以止住左室壁上方一个横向伤口的冒血;该伤门长2.;5cm;位于前室间动脉的左侧;遂用丝线间断缝合。
- ObjectiveTo investigate the hematostatic effect of digital pressure hemostasis and pressure bandage hemostasis on the puncture site of internal arteriovenous fistula in the early stage. 目的了解指压止血法和弹力绷带压迫止血法对早期使用的动静脉内瘘穿刺点的止血效果及并发症。
- A Research on Digital Pressure Switch 数码压力开关的研制
- digital pressure regulating station 数字调压站
- Higt precision pressure regulator with digital pressure display 高精度调压阀配数字压力显示
- The Research on Digital Pressure Control Valve for High Flow 数字式大流量压力控制阀设计研究
- Using Microcomputer Improve Function of Digital Pressure Meter 应用微型计算机提高数字压力表性能
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。
- partial pressure analyzer 分压分析器
- Application of the Digital Pressure Meter for the Metal Forming Machine 荷重管理装置在锻压机床中的应用
- Application of Single Chip Microcomputer in Digital Pressure Indicator 单片微机在数字压力计中的应用
- Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. 柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。
- A CAT System of Dynamic Characteristics of Digital Pressure Controller 数字式压力控制器动态特性计算机辅助测试系统
- Not so with digital time, which is a pulse. 但数字时间则不然,它是一种脉动。