- With the digitalization of antique and museum, the copyright protection of digital cultural legacy has become one of core issues in digital museum. 摘要随着文物数字化和数字博物馆建设,数字文物的保护问题已成为数字化博物馆的核心问题之一。
- Research on the Mechanism of DRM-based Copyright Protection for Digital Cultural Legacy 基于DRM的数字文物版权保护机制研究
- digital cultural legacy 数字文物
- They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left. 它们是我们祖先留下来的最宝贵的文化遗产。
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- Yeah, it was also recognized as a world cultural legacy by UNESCO in 1988. 是的.;1988年还被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产呢
- We can protect the historical and cultural legacy, appreciate the spirit of the canal and keep it lasting forever. 我们应当保护运河的历史文化遗存,注解运河时代精神,让运河精神发扬光大!
- It would be sad if we do not have the means, or determination, to cultivate another group of core elite to pass the Chinese cultural legacy down to future generations. 如果我们社会没有办法,或不注意培养一批中华语言与文化的中坚分子,没有决心要把华族文化一代一代流传下去,那是很可悲的。
- People gradually come to notice that the serenity, nimbus and cultural legacy in Bali have decayed. 人们慢慢察觉,巴厘岛的宁静、灵气与文化遗产渐渐变质。
- Tianshui holds a lot of matter cultural Legacy, at the same time it has more non-matter cultural legacy. 摘要天水在拥有大量物质文化遗产的同时,还拥有大量的非物质文化遗产,需要发掘和整理。
- Han Meimei Yeah, it was also recognized as a world cultural legacy by UNESCO in 1988. 是啊,1988年还被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产呢。
- They had inherited Greco-Roman cultural legacy to some extent,connecting ancient times with Renaissance and modern times. 它承接了古典文明,使古代世界与文艺复兴乃至近现代西方世界相沟通;
- Finally, it raised the concrete practice suggestion that saved the national folk cultural legacy in HeiLongJiang province. 最后提出抢救黑龙江省民族民间文化遗产的具体实施建议。
- The ecological environment has been declining severely, and destructive exploitations have damaged our historical and cultural legacy. 生态环境遭到严重破坏,部分历史文化遗存损坏。
- Digital cultural heritage(DCH) means to protect human's remembering and enhance information perception. 数据收集、存储和管理能力的迅速提高,使得信息处理手段发生急剧变化;
- For recent years, because there is fewer and fewer inheritor for Women's script, this cultural legacy is in immediate danger. 近年来,由于“女书”传承后继乏人,这一笔宝贵的文化遗产已处于濒危阶段。
- Tending a rice paddy required working up to 3,000 hours a year, and it left a cultural legacy that prizes industriousness. 种一块稻田需要一年3000小时的劳作,留下的是一份奖励勤劳的文化遗产。
- It would be sad if we do not have the means,or determination,to cultivate another group of core elite to pass the Chinese cultural legacy down to future generations. 如果我们社会没有办法,或不注意培养一批中华语言与文化的中坚分子,没有决心要把华族文化一代一代流传下去,那是很可悲的。
- The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential. 翻译:一个社会设计出来保存自己的方法得以形成来保持那个社会认为最重要的一些方面。
- The Digital Cultural Content Forum (DCCF) is an international annual gathering of key stakeholders in the digitisation and delivery of our global cultural assets. 这是一个国际性的年度论坛,参与者是全球文化财富数字化与传播方面的主要管理机构。