- Please enter the digit code shown in image format. 请输入右边数字。
- Voice-recognition technology converts human speech into a digital code that a computer can understand. 语音识别技术是把人类说的话转换成计算机能懂的数字代码。
- Please check that you have entered the correct20- digit code( from your battery's hologram) and submit it again. 请检查你所输入的20位阿拉伯数字码(自电池上的全息标签)重新输入。
- It displays an eight digit code number which changes every sixty seconds and is used in conjunction with a unique PIN number to ensure the authentication of a user. 它显示每60秒改变一次的8位数字代码,并与唯一的个人身份识别号码连在一起使用,来确保用户的认证。
- The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code,and stored in a PC database,along with personal information. 虹膜的图案转译为数码,然后与个人资料一起储存在个人计算机数据库里。
- If you enter text vla a key board, then each time you depress a key, the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer. 假如你采用键盘来输入文本,那么每当你按下一个键时,与该键对应的二进制数字代码便被送入微计算机。
- The patterns of the irisare translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information. 虹膜的图案转译为数码,然后与个人资料一起储存在个人计算机数据库里。
- The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information. 虹膜的图案转译为数码,然后与个人资料一起储存在个人计算机数据库里。
- As in the previous application, the ADC outputs a digital code, Dout, the ratio of AIN to VREF. 和在这种先前应用相比,模数转换器输出一个数字式编码
- With a touchscreen, you are converting the analog human touch into digital code. 有了触摸屏,你可以把物理的碰触转变为数字代码。
- If you enter text via a key board, then each time you depress a key, the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer. 假如你采用键盘来输入文本,那么每当你按下一个键时,与该键对应的二进制数字代码便被送入微计算机。
- Digital signature A digital code that can be attached to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies the sender. 数字签名:附加在一条电子传输的消息中,对其发送者进行唯一标示的数字号码。
- That single cell contains the digital code to make thousands of other kinds of cells, from fat cells to bone cells -- from brain cells to lung cells. 这个单细胞包含的数字代码能做出成千上万的其他种类的细胞,即从脂肪细胞到骨骼细胞,从脑细胞到肺细胞。
- Even more information can be transmitted using another recently developed technology which compresses data into digital code. 如果应用新近开发的技术将数据压缩成数字代码,则能够传输更多的信息。
- However, the freedom of aesthetic subject is based on the immateriality of the digital code, which provides both a chance and a trap for the subject freedom. 但数字艺术审美主体的自由是以数字符号的非物质性为前提的,数字符号的非物质性既是构成数字艺术审美主体自由的契机也是其陷阱。
- Yet an email encrypted in digital code, broken into tiny packets and beamed around the planet does seem qualitatively different from someone shaking hands and saying “Hi”. 尽管如此,一份编码为数码形式,再拆分为许多小小的分组并在地球上四处传送的电子邮件,与握个手并说声“你好”看来还是有着本质区别的。
- Format: a CAS, with a hyphen "-" is divided into three parts, the first a 2-6 figure, the second part of a two figures, the third part of a check as a digital code. 格式 :一个CAS号以连字符“-”分为三部分,第一部分有2到6位数字,第二部分有2 位数字,第三部分有1位数字作为校验码。
- A digital code coresponding to the output KVp is sent to the digital-to analog converter,U1,through the HF data bus on J1.This generates a voltage at TP3 proportional to KVp. 通过J1上的高频数据总线,将与输出千伏值对应的数字码送入数模转换器U1,这样就会在TP3上产生一个和千伏值成比例的电压。
- MVR-PCR digital coding showed high individual variation and is very useful for personal identification. PCR得到的数字编码具有高度的变异性,识别率高,为法医物证检验提供一个新的个人识别方法。
- In the area of digital coding model and the method proposed on the basis of an IP-based communication protocol addressability. 在上述数码小区模型及编码的方法的基础上,提出一种基于IP的寻址通讯协议。