- DCLU Digital Carrier Line Unit 数字载波线路单元
- digital carrier line unit 数字载波线路单元
- To avoid excessive transmission distortion, the bandwidth betwe transmitter and receiver must be at least twice that with digital carrier modulation. 为避免过量的传输失真;发射机与接收机之间的带宽至少要两倍于数字载波调制的带宽.
- To avoid excessive transmiss distortion, the bandwidth between transmitter and receiver must be at least twice that with digital carrier modulation. 为避免过量的传输失真;发射机与接收机之间的带宽至少要两倍于数字载波调制的带宽.
- Sunimage digital carrier is another product for digital period. After the product appear on market, it has got good reputation and affirmativeness form the profession. 产品自投放市场以来,在海内外已经获得良好的声誉,并得到行业内非常宝贵的认同。
- Enabling rapid returns on economical investment, ca rrier communication remains important to power dispatching communication, and ne cessarily trends to digital carrier. 载波通信投资少,见效快,是电力调度通信的重要手段,而数字载波是必然的发展方向。
- After finishing the Basic Officers' Course at Quantico, VA, he deployed to a line unit as a platoon commander. 在匡蒂科退伍军人管理局完成了一系列的基础军官教程之后,他成为了一名排指挥官。
- A numerically-controlled automatic line unit for bent axle was introduced,which can carry materials in high speed and pliancy. 介绍了一种可高速、柔性输送的数控曲轴加工自动线装置,并从原理和结构上对其主要系统与传动装置的设计要点进行了较详细的理论分析。
- The composition function, software and hardware setting ,running mode of ESB 2000i and SWT 2000F6 digital carrier are introduced,in order to realize the flexiable application of these two equipments and satisfy the present demands. 阐述ESB 2 0 0 0i数字载波机和SWT 2 0 0 0F6的组成、功能、软硬件配置、运行方式,实现两个设备技术的灵活应用,满足现场需要。
- Digital carriers don't have cell towers way out here in western montana. 西蒙大拿这里很远都没有手机信号塔。
- digital carrier telephone terminal machine 数字载波电话终端机
- digital carrier interrupt signaling 数字载波中断信令
- The Develop And Design of The Digital Carrier Wave Metering System 全数字载波抄表系统的研究与设计
- Numerically-controlled Automatic Line Unit for Bent Axle 数控曲轴加工自动线输送装置
- Design of the digital carrier communication system for trolley locomotive 架线电机车载波通信系统设计
- Very high bit rate Digital Subscribers Line. 超高速对称型数字用户专线。
- Most of the computers we are using are digital computers. 我们正在使用的计算机大多数是数字计算机。
- When the different rail companies operating the underground lines united in the thirties, it was decided that British Museum Station be closed for good and new platforms were added to Holborn. 三十年代,当运营不同地铁线路的轨道公司合并时,由于霍尔本站新增加了先进的月台,不列颠博物馆站被决定被关闭。
- RDLU Remote Digital Line Unit 远端数字线路单元