- digging of foundation pit 基坑开挖
- Water and earth pressures are key factors to the stability of foundation pit. 摘要基坑支护结构上水土压力的大小是关系基坑稳定的重要因素。
- Joggling reinforcement concrete caisson pile is used as the support of foundation pit in Tianjin Tongluowan Plaza project. 天津市铜锣湾广场工程基坑开挖过程中,选用连体啮合钢筋混凝土灌注桩作为基坑支护方案。
- Concretely,for convenience,the heaved soils were excavated,and accordingly the character of soils in the bottom of foundation pit changed distinctly. 目前为了施工方便而将基底回弹土体一并开挖从而使坑底土体的性状发生较大的改变,并最终导致上述现象的发生。
- The paper states the design of the trestle protection of foundation pit of intercepting trunk in Longhugou regulation in Santou City. 阐述汕头市龙湖沟整治中截污干管的基坑支护设计。
- PSP is a three-dimensional composite support structure, often used for shoring of foundation pit of soil nailing wall unsatisfied requirements. 摘要PSP支护技术是一种三元复合支护结构,常用于土钉墙无法满足要求的基坑支护。
- The equilibrium between gravity of the upper impermeable stratum and water pressure is a common calculation method for anti-uprush of foundation pit. 在基坑抗突涌分析中,用上覆土层的重力来平衡水压力是一种常用的计算方法。
- In the excavation of foundation pit and foundation trench in shallow aq uifer area,the problem of dewatering will be involved. 在含水层较浅的地区开挖基坑及基槽,都涉及到降水问题。
- With plain strain finite element method,the characteristic of double-row pile of excavation of foundation pit in soil clay is studied. 双排桩支护结构是基坑围护结构的一种形式,但目前的分析方法无法考虑其与土体的共同作用。
- Great economic benefit willl be got if Value Engineering(VE) method is applied to the design and construction process of foundation pit structures. 将价值工程思想、方法应用到基坑支护结构的设计和施工中将产生巨大的经济效益。
- In soil nailing retaining structure, the retaining efficacy acts by setting nails in soil to strengthen the soil of the side of foundation pit. 摘要土打支护体系通过土中设置钉体加强边壁土体,得到支护功效。
- Not only to soil nailing wall and composite soil nailing wall ,but also to similar structure engineering of foundation pit , which is valuable for reference and guilding. 不仅对土钉墙及复合土钉墙,对其它一些土工结构的有限元分析,也具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。
- With such advantages as easy to construct,economical effect and nice purpose of shoring,the compound soil nailing support has been widely used in the shoring of foundation pit. 复合土钉支护结构以其施工便捷、经济和支护效果好等诸多优点,在当前的基坑工程中得到越来越广泛的应用。
- LIU Guo-pin,ZHU Yao-hua.Retaining wall support for cement mixing pile of foundation pit of Jinguang center building in Ningbo[J].Zhejiang Hydrotechnics,1999,(sup.):14-15. [19]刘国品;朱耀华.;宁波市金光中心基坑水泥搅拌桩挡墙支护[J]
- Supporting structure of deep foundation pit is temporary structure,but supporting with economical and safe method is one of aims of foundation pit supporting. 深基坑支护结构本身是一种临时结构,用最节约的方法安全地完成支护,是每个基坑支护工程的目标。
- An Attention should be Paid to the Supervision of Supporting and Digging of Deep Foundation Pit in the Construction Phase 应重视深基坑支护与开挖施工阶段的监理
- The forecast result of high precision is got in forecast of foundation pit deformation by GM(1,1) model by means of selecting original data alignment and revision of residual error. 在采用gm(,1)型预测基坑支护变形,通过选取恰当的原始数据序列,并进行残差修正,能得到精度很高的预测结果。
- It introduces application of deep mixing cement-soil pile in maintenance of foundation pit, combined with storing pool of coking equipment it discusses no-support and earth-retaining& water-retaining drapery and its effect, which to extend the method. 介绍了深层搅拌水泥土桩在基坑维护中的应用,以某焦化装置内贮焦池具体工程为例,探讨了这种坑内无支撑、土挡水型帷幕的做法及应用效果,以推广应用该方法。
- Through a few typical construction examples, the paper fully demonstrates effectiveness and advantage of cement clay mixing pile in supporting and retaining structure of foundation pit and sums up some successful experiences for reference and selection. 本文通过几个典型的工程实例 ,充分说明水泥土搅拌桩在基坑支挡结构工程中的有效性和优越性 ,并总结出几条成功经验 ,可供同行们参考选用。
- Adopting which appropriate and economical retaining structure is the difficulty and keystone of the design of foundation pit in uneven soil layer due to the different bearing soil pressure of retaining structure of foundatioti pit. 摘要对于土层分布不均匀的基坑,由于基坑支护结构所受的土压力不同,采用何种合适、经济的支护形式,是基坑设计的难点和重点。