- Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. 经过若干演化阶段,蛇的唾液,一种温和的助消化的象人们的唾液一样的液体变成了甚至在今天也难以分析的毒液。
- The digestive juices help the digesting process. 消化液有助于消化。
- The main function of teeth is cut off, tearing and grinding food, the food Yaosui teeth, make the digestive juice and food contact surface greatly increased, so that the food easier to digest. 牙齿的功能主要是切断、撕裂和磨碎食物,牙齿把食物咬碎后,能使食物与消化液的接触面大大增加,使食物容易消化。
- Over the periods their saliva,a mild,digestive juice like our own,was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. 经过若干演化阶段,蛇的唾液,一种温和的助消化的象人们的唾液一样的液体变成了甚至在今天也难以分析的毒液。
- As a matter of fact, milk always meets in the stomach a digestive juice which curdles it;the curdling of the milk is the first step in its digestion. 事实上,牛奶在胃里总会遇到一种使它凝结的消化液,而这种凝结是消化的第一步。
- Over the periods their saliva , a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today. 长久以来它们的唾液和我们的类似,无毒,帮助消化唾液,而转化成了至尽难以分析其结构的毒药。
- After sucrose enters enteron to be decomposed by digestive juice, become dextrose and fructose to be absorbed by human body. 蔗糖进入消化道被消化液分解后,变成葡萄糖和果糖被人体吸收。
- It makes the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food. 水能使消化液更自由地流动,有助于消化食物。
- However, digestive juice in the gastrointestinal tract quickly destroys curcumin so that little actually gets into the blood. 但姜黄素可被胃肠道消化液迅速破坏,真正能进入血液的量很少。
- However, fasting too much to drink soup, digestive juice will be diluted, the impact on the digestion and absorption of food. 但餐前喝过多的汤,会稀释消化液,影响对食物的消化吸收。
- Do not over eating and drinking or hunger, hunger this uneven eating habits will cause abnormal secretion of digestive juice, resulting in liver function disorders. 不要暴饮暴食或饥饿,这种饥饿不匀的饮食习惯,会引起消化液分泌异常,导致肝脏功能的失调。
- It is avoided being destroyed by digestive juice in gastrointestinal tract.This dosage form is effective with low dose,being used more convenient and suitable for manufacture. 该剂型避免了胃肠道消化液对药物的破坏,给药剂量小,奏效迅速,使用方便,适合大量生产。
- Water is needed for digestive juices, urine (pee), and poop. 水是需要消化果汁,小便(撒尿),和粪便。
- It took me some time to digest what I had heard. 我花了一些时间才把听到的东西弄明白。
- Because was being added afore-mentioned after 3 big digestive juice, must add bile, duodenum fluid and alvine fluid, undertake be digestived compactly absorption operation again. 因为在加了上述的三大消化液之后,得加上胆汁,十二指肠液以及肠液,再进行细密的消化吸收作业。
- Unpolished rice is in through 3 big digestive juice (saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice) after processing, be about to enter the phase that is absorbed. 糙米在经过三大消化液(唾液,胃液,胰液)的处理之后,就要进入被吸收的阶段。
- This rich food doesn't digest easily. 这种油腻的食物不易消化。
- "Internal cause child " can protect vitamin B12 to be not destroyed by the digestive juice place in gastric bowel, be helpful for its drawing blood via diffusing in ileum. “内因子”可以保护维生素B12不被胃肠中的消化液所破坏,有利于其在回肠经扩散吸收入血。
- Saliva helps one chew and digest food. 唾液能帮助咀嚼和消化食物。
- Jianwei bitter medicine rely on the bitterness to stimulate saliva, such as digestive juice secretion of gastric juice, and promote appetite and help digestion. 苦味健胃药依靠苦味刺激唾液、胃液等消化液分泌,促食欲、助消化。