- differential pulse modulation 差分脉码调制
- This article mainly describes the concept and principle of encoding in the first and second chapters. The third chapter mainly describes Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) algorithm, adaptive quantizing and adaptive predicting algorithm. 本文从编码的概念和基本理论出发,论述了自适应差值脉码调制(ADPCM)编码的算法,重点介绍了自适应量化和自适应预测算法。
- The Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation(ADPCM) algorithm has been used to replace the Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation(APCM) algorithm in the RPE-LTP scheme to quantize the selected RPE sequence. 又用自适应差分脉冲编码调制(ADPCM),代替RPE-LTP方案中的自适应脉冲编码调制(APCM)对选择的RPE序列进行的量化编码。
- Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) is an effective algorithm of speech coding. It adopts the method of adaptive quantization and adaptive prediction to compress pulse code modulation (PCM) signal. 自适应差分脉冲编码调制(ADPCM)采用自适应量化方法和自适应预测方法,对PCM(脉冲编码调制)语音信号进行再压缩,是一种有效的语音信号波形编码压缩方案。
- The report will be presented this application IMA Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) compression / decompression algorithm, to discuss the use of ADPCM in the MSP430 library steps. 文章导读:本应用报告将介绍IMA自适应差分脉冲代码调制(ADPCM)的压缩/解压缩算法,讨论在MSP430上使用ADPCM库的相关步骤。
- The laser pulse modulation system consists of cavity dumper driver,matching net and acousto-optic energy convertor. 超短脉冲激光调制系统包括腔倒空驱动器、匹配网络和声光换能器。
- Through keyboard and code generation circuit, coding and pulse modulation vibration with infrared project to form infrared project circuit. 通过键盘及代码生成电路、编码、脉冲调制振荡和红外发射构成红外发射电路。
- AD-PCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 适应微分-脉衝码调制
- In order to satisfy the requirement of ECRH, the ECRH HV power supply (ECHV-HVPS) on the base of high voltage pulse modulation has been designed. 摘要在ECRH高压电源中采用了高压脉冲调制器,大大缩小了电源脉冲上升和下降时间并能提供快速保护。
- This paper reported an anodic differential pulse voltammetric determination of estrogens. 本文报道了雌激素的阳极微分脉冲伏安法测定.
- The differential pulse polarographic behaviour of colchicine have been investigated. 秋水仙碱是近年来新发现的有前途的抗癌植物有效成分。
- This study attempted to determine ferrous ions through ferrous-bipyridyl chelate by differential pulse voltammetry. 利用二价铁离子的联吡啶络合物,示差脉冲伏安法测定土壤中的二价铁离子。
- A method was developed for the determination of nitrobenzene in aniline by differential pulse polarography . 建立了测定苯胺中微量硝基苯的差式微分脉冲极谱法。
- HDPCM Hybrid Differential Pulse Code Modulation 混合差分脉冲编码调制
- Adaptive differential pulse code modulation, ADPCM 可调式差动博码调变、可适性差分脉冲码调
- Differential pulse stripping voltammetric behavior of vitamin K_3 at the glassy carbon electrode(GCE) was studied in this paper. 应用微分脉冲溶出伏安法(DPSV)对维生素K3在玻碳电极(GCE)上的电化学行为进行了研究。
- A anodic peak of Ga was obtained at -0.69v(vs. Ag/AgCl)by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry in the medium. 用微分脉冲阳极溶出伏安法测定;在-0.;69伏特(对Ag/AgCl电极)出现阳极溶出峰。
- The secondary derivative differential pulse polarography was developed for the quantitative determination of chrysophanol in rheum. 建立了中草药大黄中大黄酚的二阶导数差示脉冲极谱定量分析方法。
- The electrochemistry behaviors of gingerol were tested with differential pulse voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry in this article. 采用微分脉冲法和循环伏安法对姜辣素的电化学行为进行了探讨。
- Ultra Wide Band (UWB) mechanism is to use the pulsing modulation to form spread spectrum signals for information transmission. 超宽带机理是利用脉冲冲击调制,形成扩频超宽带信号进行信息传输。