- Then we discuss nonexistence of weak solutions for some partial differential inequalities on H-type groups. 然后,我们讨论了H型群上一些偏微分不等式弱解的不存在性。
- The existence and asymptotic behavior of solution for the initial boundary value problems are studied by using the theory of differential inequalities. 在适当的条件下,利用微分不等式理论,讨论了一个初始边值问题解的存在性和渐近性态。
- And then, by using the theory of differential inequalities the asymptotic behavior of solutions for the initial boundary value problems was studied. 然后,利用微分不等式理论,研究了初始边值问题解的渐近性态。
- Under suitable conditions,using the theory of differential inequalities,the existence and asymptotic behavior of solution for the boundary value problems are studied. 适当的条件下,利用微分不等式理论,讨论了原边值问题解的存在性和渐近性态。
- In this paper, a class of system for nonlinear reaction diffusion of the predator prey in the biomathematics is considered using the method of differential inequalities. 本文是利用微分不等式方法来研究一类生物数学中的非线性奇摄动捕食-被捕食反应扩散系统。
- The nonlinear predator-prey singularly perturbed problem for reaction diffusion system is considered. Using theory of differential inequalities the asymptotic behavior of solution for initial boundary value problem is studied. 研究了一类具有非线性捕食-被捕食反应扩散系统奇摄动问题。利用微分不等式理论,讨论了问题解的渐近性态。
- Under suitable conditions, using the theory of differential inequalities the asymptotic behavior of solution for the initial boundary value problems are studied, which reduced problems possess two intersecting solutions. 在适当的条件下,利用微分不等式理论,讨论了退化解具有两个交叉解的初值问题解的渐近性态。
- Under appropriate assumptions, the existence of solution is proved by means of the theory of differential inequalities and the uniformly valid asymptotic expansion for arbitrary nthorder is obtained. 在适当的条件下,利用微分不等式理论证明?解的存在性,得到?解的任意阶近似的一致有效渐近展开式。
- impulsive differential inequalities 脉冲微分不等式
- First Order Linear Advanced Differential Inequalities 一阶线性时超微分不等式
- Higher-order nonlinear ordinary differential inequalities 高阶非线性常微分不等式
- Inequalities in wealth cause social unrest. 贫富不均可造成社会动荡。
- Finally, using the theory of differential inequality, the uniformly valid asymptotic expansions of solution for the original problem are obtained. 最后,利用微分不等式理论,得到了原问题解的一致有效的渐近展开式。
- There are many inequalities in the law. 法律上有许多不平等的地方。
- A class of functional boundary value problems for the discontinuous nonlinear ordinary differential equations are considered. The asymptotic solution for the problem is obtained using the theory of differential inequality. 研究了一类间断非线性常微分方程泛函边值问题。利用微分不等式理论得到了问题的渐近解。
- The singularly perturbed functional boundary value problems for the discontinuous nonlinear ordinary differential equations are considered. The asymptotic solution to the problem is obtained using the theory of differential inequality. 研究了间断非线性常微分方程奇摄动泛函边值问题。利用微分不等式理论得到了问题的渐近解。
- The initial boundary value problems for the reaction diffusion equations are considered. And the asymptotic behavior of solution for the problem is obtained by using the theory of differential inequality. 摘要研究了一类反应扩散方程初始边值问题。利用微分不等式理论得到了问题解的渐近性态。
- By introducing proper stretchy variable and constructing boundary layer function, it concludes N-order approximate solution, and using theory of differential inequality, uniformly validity of asymptotic expansion is proved. 通过引进适当的伸长变量,构造边界层函数,得到了解的N阶近似值,并利用微分不等式理论证明了解的渐近展开式的一致有效性。
- By virtue of the Vector Lyapunov functions, the general concept of differential inequality and some other means, the author explores a series of the stability of nonlinear composite systems. 且利用矢量李亚普诺夫函数、分不等式的一般概念以及其他手段,研究一系列非线性复合系统的稳定性。
- In this paper,we present some criteria for the oscillation of a class of the second order nonlinear differential inequation with Perturbation.The results generalize the known results. 研究了一类二阶非线性摄动微分不等式解的振动性;建立了两个新的振动性定理;推广和改进了已有的结果.