- On Different Thinking Modes between English and Chinese and English Inanimate Subjects 英汉思维差异与英语无灵主语句
- On Intercultural Translation Equivalence by Comparison of Different Thinking Modes 从英汉思维差异看跨文化对等翻译原则
- The Different Ways of Mythological Historicalization between China and Greece and the Different Thinking Modes Originated from Them 中希神话归化的异途及其孕含的中西思维范式
- On the Importance of Teaching Formal Schemata in Teaching English Reading According to the Different Thinking Modes between Eastern and Western People 从东西方不同的思维模式看阅读教学中形式图式教学的必要性
- different thinking modes 思维差异
- Then, three different decision thinking modes: value analysis (VA), value seeking analysis (VSA) and value meta-synthesis (VMS) are put forward at three levels. 讨论了价值分析(VA)、价值寻求分析(VSA)、价值综合集成(VMS)3个层次的内涵;进而讨论了不同决策系统中决策与价值分析、价值寻求分析的关系。
- Then,three different decision thinking modes: value analysis(VA),value seeking analysis(VSA) and value meta-synthesis(VMS) are put forward at three levels. 讨论了价值分析(VA)、价值寻求分析(VSA)、价值综合集成(VMS)3个层次的内涵;进而讨论了不同决策系统中决策与价值分析、价值寻求分析的关系.
- And the thinking mode of westerners in logic, analysis and linear. 而西方人的思维模式则以逻辑、分析、线性为特点。
- The differences between thinking modes lead to language differences. 思维方式的差异导致了语言的差异。
- Human beings cognize the world by the way of metaphorical thinking modes. 人类以隐喻式思维认知世界。
- The new policy incorporated the thinking mode of the new premier. 这项新政策体现了新任首相的思维模式。
- It seems easy, but the writer put many different thinking in it to let us think more but in a softy way. 它看起来很简单,但是作者放进了很多不同的思路,让我们能够用柔软的角度切入思考。)
- As the Romano-Germanic Civil Law and the Anglo-American Common Tradition enjoy different historical background and thought modes. 第四部分对安全保障义务的适用范围进行了深入的分析,界定了安全保障义务权利主体和义务主体的范围。
- The key to promote the significance of human existence is to reform the thinking modes of human existence. 全面提升人类存在的意义,关键就在于不断变革人类存在意义的思维方式。
- Hume didn't resolve the predicament of moral relativity, but his results of research offers different thinking and angles in the field of ethics. 虽然休谟没有彻底解决道德相对主义的困境,但他的研究成果为后入进行道德研究提供了不同的思路和角度。
- Besides the outside affections, such as social and economic elements, the multivalent human thinking modes are inside agents. 除了社会、经济等外部环境的影响外,人类自身思维背景的多元化是其嬗变的内在动因。
- Delivering the company culture quickly and effectively to the trainee with different thinking patterns and values, to set up a coherent value and rhythm within the company. 快速有效传递企业文化,给具有不同思维模式和价值判断标准的学员,建立与企业一致的价值观和节奏感。
- There are many unemployed middle age workers who are firmly loyal to work in a position for a company.But in considering the cost, the boss may have a different thinking. 中年失业的人很多都是忠心地待在一家公司,死守著一个固定的工作岗位。
- Emergent instruction is a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode. 摘要生成性教学是生成性思维视域下的教学形态。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。