- different cDNA fragment 差异cDNA片段
- Cloning and Sequence Analysis of cDNA Fragment of Carboxylesterase Gene in Bombyx mandarina M. 野桑蚕羧酸酯酶基因cDNA片段的克隆及序列分析。
- A novel cDNA fragment associated with gastric cancer drug resistance screened from a library by mAb MGr1? MGr1抗体筛选文库获得胃癌耐药相关的新基因片段
- The lonFLO, a 408 bp cDNA fragment, was high homology to FLO (98.8%), AFL2 (81.6%), AFL1(81.1%) and LEY (76.2%). 序列分析表明,该片段与金鱼草FLO、苹果AFL2、AFL1、拟南芥LFY有较高的核苷酸同源性,分别达98 8%25,81 6%25,81 1%25和76 2%25。
- In addition, the amplified IL-15 cDNA fragment from plasmid pBS-IL15 was digested with BamH I and cloned into EcoR I (filled in)/BamH I pBV220 vector. 另外,将经BamHI酶切的IL-15cDNA扩增片断与经EcoRI酶切、补平、再经BamHI酶切的pBV220载体相连,构建成重组质粒pBVB-IL15。
- Then the BLY cDNA fragment was subcloned into prokaryotic expression vector pGEX-4T-1, forming the prokaryotic expression plasmid (pG-BLY). 克隆PCR产物,并构建了pGEX-4T-1-BLY原核表达载体。 经BamHI和EcoRI酶切及质粒PCR鉴定,证实本实验构建的新型牛溶菌酶基因已克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1上,为进一步研究其诱导表达条件及生物学功能奠定了基础。
- Title: cDNA fragment clone and sequence analysis of acetylcholinesterase gene in the dia-mondback moth, Plutella xylostella ( L. 关键词:小菜蛾;乙酰胆碱酯酶基因;反转录-多聚酶链式反应.;;序列分析
- The Serminal of CE cDNA fragment was linked upwith the 3erminal of NS3 eDNA fragment by a oligonucleotidelinker Serrolyer to form a chimeric gene NS3CE(2.Okb). 设计两对引物,PCR扩增出这两段基因,在设计NS3 3’引物时设计上一段编码连接肽Ser-Pro-Gly-Ser的基因,使两段基因以连接肽相连,构成融合基因NS3CE。
- A cDNA fragment of newcastle disease virus(NDV)strain F48E8 containing partial fusion(F)gene and partial haemagglutinin neuraminidase(HN)gene was obtained by RT PCR. 应用RT-PCR获取新城疫病毒(NDV)F48E8株的部分囊膜糖蛋白基因片段。
- The three cDNA fragments were spliced into one chimeric cDNA. 在田间,病毒病多混合发生,给烟草生产带来巨大损失。
- The recombinants with the cDNA insert fragment were released from the positive clones and were digested with EcoR I , The cDNA fragment were 2.1kb and 1.5kb in lycB and IPI positive clones respectively. 释放质粒后,进行酶切鉴定,LycB阳性克隆cDNA插入片段的大小为2.;1kb左右,IPI阳性克降cDNA插入片段的大小约为1
- Methods: A cDNA fragment from the mRNAs of skeletal muscle of 13 day old chicken embryo was amplified by RT PCR method, and inserted into pGEM and pUC vectors at clone sites and sequenced respectively. 方法 :从 13d鸡胚骨骼肌mRNAs经RT PCR方法扩增RTEF 1的编码序列 (cDNA) ,将其克隆到 pGEM和 pUC载体并进行核苷酸序列分析。
- A 1119 bp cDNA fragment homologous to Rht-Dla was obtained by RT-PCR, which contains a 3-base deletion (GGC) from +1521-+1523 within the sequence of Rht-Dla, resulting in the loss of an amino acid residue G. 该片段缺失了Rht-D1a序列申位于1521-1523bp处的三个碱基GGC,其编码的蛋白质缺失一个甘氨酸(G)。
- Fig.3 Sequences of cDNA fragment and its deduced amino acid of acid invertase gene in melon fruitThe above line showed cDNA sequence,under which were the sequence of deduced amino acid. 标题: 图3甜瓜果实酸性转化酶基因cDNA片段序列及其推导的氨基酸序列上行为cDNA序列,下行为推导的氨基酸序列。
- In this part, cDNA fragment of zebrfsih GATA-1 and biklf which are specifically expressed in zebrafish hematopoiesis system are used as probes to carry on whole amount in situ hybrizidation. 本部分以造血系统特异性基因GATA-1和biklf的cDNA片段为模板体外转录地高辛标记的反义RNA探针进行了整胚原位杂交。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- Agarose electrophoresis showed that the dou-ble-strand cDNA fragments ranged from 100 bp to 6500 bp, most of them were longerthan 500 bp. 琼脂糖凝胶电泳显示;所合成的cDNA分子量范围由100到6500bP;且绝大部分大于500bP.
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我从不同的观点来看这个问题。
- About 1/2 of the thirty-four differentially expressed cDNA fragments could not be reamplified, which might be false positive. 约有1/2的差异条带回收后,再次扩增时未能扩出条带,可能是假阳性条带。
- By mRNA differential display technology, RACE method, DNA and RNA gel-blot analysis, we obtained 6 positive differential expression cDNA fragments between NC and BBC. 乙飞洲护的表达分析结果显示石反理护在黄瓜中为单拷贝,以叶片中的表达量最高,根中最低,具有一定的组织特异性:不同品种中山别护的表达略有差异,并不同程度地受多种胁迫条件的影响。