- difference in city and country 城乡差距
- Vaccinoprophylaxis is disparate development in city and country,of which the rate is lower in country than that in city. 乙肝疫苗预防接种工作城乡发展不平衡,农村人群疫苗接种率明显低于城市人群。
- The cultural life of the residents in city and country side was dynamic increasingly in Yangtze River Valley of Tang Dynasty,and the folkways emerged numerously and complicatedly. 唐朝长江流域城市居民和乡村的文化生活日趋活跃,民俗风情异彩纷呈。
- C is soft in 'city' and hard in 'cat'. c字母在city一字中发软音而在cat一字中发硬音.
- hygienic principles in city and country planning 城乡规划卫生
- There are larger differences in the content of painting products by five-six aged children in city and village including happening and emot. 6岁城乡儿童在绘画内容中所表现的事件和情感存在较大差异。
- elderly people in city and country 城乡老年人
- Green food smelling sweet in city and county velley. 绿色食品飘香于闹市与山坳。
- The twentieth century has thus brought city and country closer together. 二十世纪就这样把城市和乡村拉得更拢了。
- Towns are links between cities and country fairs. 镇市是城市与乡村集市之间的纽带。
- The reform of china's medical care system in cities and towns. 中国的城镇医药卫生体制改革
- So children in cities and villages can get a good education. 因此城里和农村的孩子都能接受到良好的教育。
- Study of Planning Technique of Integrative Public Transit in City and Country 城乡公交一体化规划方法研究
- How to Choose and Use Optical End Machine over HFC System in City and Country 市县HFC系统如何选择和使用光端机
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- What's the difference between the house in city and that in the county? 城市和乡村的房子有什么区别?
- A Comparative Study of Life Events and Social Support in City and Country Patients with Puerperal Depression 城市和农村产后抑郁症者生活事件及社会支持的对照研究
- It is difference in kind, not merely in degree. 此乃本质之不同,并非仅仅是程度差异。
- The University of Greenwich offers the best of both worlds, city and country. 格林威治大学充满朝气,在英国国内和国际上发展迅速。
- Is there a difference in compound and upgrade? 自动提升和提升有什么区别吗?