- Wang Ping: Did he differ from other champions? 王平: 他与别的冠军有什么不同?
- How Chinese women differ from other Asian women? 中国女性与其它亚洲女性的区别?
- How do SVS products differ from other brands? 有哪些好的电影和音乐片段适合测试?
- How do tsunamis differ from other water waves? 海啸与其他水波有的不同?
- In what way will it differ from other Party publications? 它和别的党报有些什么不同呢?
- Men differ from other animals in that they can think and speak. 人不同于其它动物之处在于他们能思考和说话。
- How Do Shopping Centers Differ From Other Real Estate Assets? 购物中心与其它房地产有什么不同?
- Q: How does Derby differ from other open source databases? 问:Derby与其他开放源代码数据库有什么不同?
- Humans differ from other mammals in their ability to speak. 人类与其它哺乳动物的不同之处在于人说话的能力。
- Stephanie you are still different from others. 所以不管是4个月前;后来;还是现在.
- My nature is different from other people's. 我生性与别人不同。
- Chinese is quite different from other languages. 汉语和其他语言有很大的不同。
- CSE is different from other summer schools. CSE有别于其他的夏令营活动。
- In mind and character the nonbreathers do not differ from other mortal types. 在心智和特性中非呼吸者不同于其他的人类类型。
- But this chopping is quite different from other choppers. 但他的削球同其他选手的削球有很大的不同。
- Is it true Sichuan food is quite different from others? 四川菜系和其他菜系在味道上有区别吧?
- What makes your organization different from others in the industry? 贵公司与同行业其他公司相比有何独到之处?
- Is your factory any different from other plastics factories? 你们工厂和其他塑胶工厂有何差别呢?
- We know that dogs at play have strange patterns of exhalation that differ from other sounds made during passive or aggressive confrontation. 我们知道,犬类在嘻闹时的呼气方式不同于防御或进攻时发出的声音。
- I'll wear no clothes which will be different from others. 我不穿与众不同的衣服。