- Diet composition hada large effect on stable carbon isotope composition of cattle tissues. 饲料对牛组织中碳同位素组成的影响远大于牛品种对它们的影响;
- D.Y.Lee,C.R.hamilton etal.(1996)Effect of diet composition on the response of newly weaned pigs to zinc oxide or apramycin sulfate.J.Anim.Sci.74(ab). 王敏奇;许梓荣.;(2001)氧化锌、蛋白锌对仔猪胴体组成的影响及机理探讨
- Diet composition and changes in numbers and foraging areas of grey heron Ardea cinerea population in a submontane reservoir: an effect of dam operation? 水坝运行对山下水库中苍鹭的食物组成、采食区内种群数量及采食区域变化的影响?
- The diet composition varied with season, the Apogon lineatus, Euphausia sp. and Trichiurus japonicus, were the dominant prey in spring, Trichiurus japonicus, Euphausia sp. 带鱼的食物组成存在季节差异,春季以细条天竺鲷、磷虾和带鱼为主要食物;
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。
- The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes. 爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。
- Be it your intention to diet to keep your figure? 您打算节食以保持苗条体形吗?
- He sweated out his composition in several hours. 他苦干了几个小时才写出了作文。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- Effect of Diet Composition on the Productive Performance of Broiler Chicken 不同日粮组成对肉仔鸡生产性能的影响
- He wrote a composition or (he) read an essay. 他写作文或读散文。
- The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. 医生说我得节食。
- Obese patients are advised to change their diet. 建议肥胖病人改变饮食。
- His composition is far superior to mine. 他的作文比我的好多了。
- He is on a diet to reduce some weight. 他正在节食以减轻体重。
- She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets. 她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。
- I am accustomed to a spare diet. 我习惯于简单的饮食。
- You should eat more high-protein diet. 你应该多吃些高蛋白食物。
- A slow, mournful musical composition. 庄重悲哀的乐曲节奏缓慢,庄重悲哀的音乐作品