- dietary folk custom features 饮食民俗特征
- Timeless Old Street with Classical Folk Custom. 悠远老街风情。
- Paper-cut of Fengxiang is a kind of folk custom. 每幅作品都洋溢着浓厚的生活气息和劳动人民对美好生活的向往。
- Sister :Welcome you to Miyun Folk Custom Pubs. 姐姐:欢迎你到密云民俗度假村。
- The narrow street is full of the assorted vending booths, which features the folk custom all in it. 狭窄的街畔,各色摊点挨挨挤挤摆在两旁,赶集的人熙来攘往,踵击肩摩,民风民俗皆在其间。
- The general features of his rural literature are real natural beauty and strong flavour of folk custom . 其乡土文学的总体特征是具有真实的自然之美和浓郁的民俗韵味。
- It has a wider, flatter fingerboard and a few othe custom features. 她拥有更宽,更平的指板还有些其他的定制特色。
- Doha2006 isgoing to show the Qatar folk custom to the world. 同时,本届多哈亚运会还将尽情展示阿拉伯风情。
- The peculiar national costumes, folklore and rituals, dietary habits, Dongba civilization, Dongjing music and characteristic architectural style display to the peoples of the world a panorama of folk customs. 奇特的民族服饰、风俗礼仪、饮食习惯以及东巴文化、洞经音乐和各具特色的民居建筑等,向世界人民展示了一幅“民俗大观园”般的民族风情画卷。
- The peculiar national costumes,folklore and rituals,dietary habits,Dongba civilization,Dongjing music and characteristic architectural style display to the peoples of the world a panorama of folk customs. 奇特的民族服饰、风俗礼仪、饮食习惯以及东巴文化、洞经音乐和各具特色的民居建筑等,向世界人民展示了一幅“民俗大观园”般的民族风情画卷。
- Have a little undershirt of the craft feel of folk custom very much, with the willful and graceful sentiment of tutti of seven-inch trousers. 极具民俗手工质感的小背心,与七分裤合奏随性的优雅情调。
- Maxthon's browser function is built on an IE kernel,but offers custom features like tabbed browsing,an RSS detector and reader,and ad blocking. 傲游浏览器基于IE的内核,但为用户提供多页浏览,RSS探测和广告拦截功能。
- Visit? The characteristic beautiful scene of mining area,? Enjoy the local? Folk custom and style! 游矿区特色美景,赏兵山民俗风情!
- Kazak, one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of China, has its own unique folk custom. 哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。
- In this article the folk custom of Kazak is introduced through two aspects :idiom and culinary tradition.. 本文从哈萨克成语和饮食习惯两方面阐述了哈萨克民俗风情
- The folk custom of the phoenix worship is the custom caused by the fact that people worship phoenix. 崇凤习俗是人们由于崇拜凤而形成的习俗。
- The folk custom of "praying for rain" described by contemporary Chinese writers has diversified aesthetic functions. 摘要中国现代乡土作家描写的“求雨”习俗具有多样化的审美功能。
- Additional customization features include User and Group Management,Service Management and Multiple User Profiles. 其它自定义特性还包括用户和组管理、服务管理和多用户配置文件。
- Folk customs and freedom of religious belief are respected and protected. 风俗习惯与宗教信仰自由得到尊重和保护。
- Additional customization features include User and Group Management, Service Management and Multiple User Profiles. 其它自定义特性还包括用户和组管理、服务管理和多用户配置文件。