- Many of the wounded die on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。
- Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。
- Some people always seem to fall on their feet. 有些人好像永远走运。
- They put tar on their feet to run in races. 他们赛跑时会把沥青涂在脚上跑步。
- Flies have suckers on their feet. 苍蝇的脚上有吸盘。
- Many more died on their way to captivity. 更多的人在运往监禁处的途中死去。
- All the children were on their feet. 所有孩子都已经起床。
- Daddy penguins put the eggs on their feet. 然后把毛茸茸的大肚皮盖在上边。
- By the end the players looked dead on their feet. 到最后,运动员看上去已经疲惫不堪了。
- Mr.Smiley has set many ex-cons on their feet again by giving them jobs when they got out of prison. 斯迈利先生对许多刑满释放的人给予工作,使他们自力更生,重新做人。
- Ah! My child, I know they have both suffered grief. They have has the black ox tread on their feet. 啊!我的孩子,我知道他俩都遭不幸。他们尝到了人世的悲痛。
- Some people always seem to have the knack of falling on their feet. 有些人似乎总有办法化险为夷。
- Thousands of people died on their way, many more reached their new homeland. 上千群众死了在他们的途中,许多到达了他们的新家园。
- Ever since then the Chinese people have stood on their feet. 我们中国人从此站立起来了。
- After the soldiers march all night. They're dead on their feet. 士兵们整夜行军后筋疲力尽。
- After the soldiers marched all night, they were dead on their feet. 士兵们行军一整夜之后,已累得无法再前进了。
- After the soldiers march all night, they are dead on their feet. 士兵们整夜行军后筋疲力尽。
- Their feet are rosy-red. The early light of dawn is on their faces. 他们的脚像玫瑰般红。熹微的晨光照在他们脸上。
- So they came near and put their feet on their necks. 他们就近前来、把脚踏在这些王的颈项上。
- Terrorist put stocking on their head, women put them on their feet. 恐怖份子把裤袜套在头上,女人把裤袜戴在脚上。