- It is obvious that there is an optimum chain length of diblock copolymer for minimizing the mean domain size. 所以,加入等量的嵌段共聚物,存在一个最佳的链长使体系的相区尺寸最小。
- The phase behavior of the diblock copolymer under spherical confinement was found to be more complicated than that under planar confinement. 嵌段共聚物受限在球腔内自组装的相行为非常复杂,结构间的转变比一维平行板间受限状态下自组装结构的转变要复杂得多。
- The effect on the toughening of polypropylene(PP) by styrene-ethyl en e propylene diblock copolymer(SEP) as well as EPDM was studied. 考察了苯乙烯-二元乙丙橡胶嵌段共聚物(SEP)和三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)对聚丙烯(PP)的增韧作用。
- Second, two typical samples of the (PS-g-PI)-b-PS comb-coil diblock copolymer with PS volume fraction close to 0.5 were investigated. 二、 利用原子力显微镜(AFM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和小角x射线散射(SAXS)研究聚合物本体形态。
- And the diblock copolymer PI-b-PEO with an azide group was obtained by a series of modification of the hydroxyl group at the junction point. 然后将羟基的保护基团脱除,并通过一系列反应将得到的“活性”羟基依次溴化和叠氮化,最后得到链段中间含叠氮基团的嵌段聚合物PI-b-PEO。
- This is well demonstrated by the progress achieved in understanding the behavior of the classical coil-rod diblock copolymer. 当我们在理解AB线杆二嵌段共聚物方面取得进步后,事实更好的证明了嵌段共聚物在这一方面的优势。
- The effects of diblock copolymer concentration on phase separation of immiscible homopolymer blends were investigated by discrete TDGL equation. 利用上述离散的TDGL方程研究了A-B浓度对A/B混合体系相分离的影响。
- Phase Formation of Diblock Copolymer Based on Soft Behavior of Polymer, Yumei Gong , Haiying Huang, and Tianbai He, International Symposium on Polymer Physics, 2006, Suzhou. 溶剂挥发速度对溶液浇液浇铸嵌段共聚物薄膜相行为的影响;宫玉梅,胡志军,何天白,2005年全国高分子学术论文报告会摘要集.
- The resulting macromonomer was coupled with polyisoprenyllithium through the remaining double bond in MDDPE moiety, forming a diblock copolymer of styrene and isoprene. 紧接着用聚异戊二烯阴离子和大分子单体末端的DPE 双键加成偶和形成一个苯乙烯和异戊二烯的两嵌段共聚物,该嵌段共聚物在两段的连接处有一因双键打开而来的活性阴离子中心(PDPHLi),可以用于引发少量的异戊二烯预聚合(seeding),之后在接着引发CHD 的聚合。
- The amphiphilic diblock copolymer PMMA-b-poly(methacrylic acid) can be further obtained very easily by hydrolysis of PMMA-b-PBEMA under a mild acid condition. 将PMMA-b-PBEMA在温和的酸性条件下水解,可以很容易地得到含有聚甲基丙烯酸(PMAA)嵌段的两亲性嵌段共聚物PMMA-b-PMAA。
- Using poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with a bromine atom at the chain end, which was prepared by ATRP, as the macroinitiator, a diblock copolymer PMMA-b-poly(1-(butoxy)ethyl methacrylate) (PMMA-b-PBEMA) was synthesized by means of ATRP of BEMA. 通过ATRP制备末端带有溴原子的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA),并以其为大分子引发剂进行BEMA的ATRP,制备了嵌段共聚物PMMA-b-PBEMA。
- Under three-dimensional spherical confinement, the diblock copolymer formed various structures which could not form in the bulk and one-dimensional or two-dimensional confinements. 研究表明,在三维球腔内受限状态下,体系可以形成多种介观结构,这些结构是在本体和一维或二维受限状态下不能观察到的。
- The experimental results demonstrate that in the impact specimen there exists a multiphase system comprising homopolymer of propylene, diblock copolymer of propylene and ethylene -propylene, ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) and homopolymer of ethylene. 实验结果表明:抗冲PP是一个含有PP均聚物、丙烯与乙烯-丙烯两嵌段共聚物、乙丙橡胶(EPR)、聚乙烯均聚物等的多相体系。
- The diblock copolymer of PI-b-PEO with a protected hydroxyl group at the junction point was synthezised by ROP of EO using PI-EEGE as macroinitiator and DPMK as deprotonation agent. 同时,用和制备聚苯乙烯PS-EEGE相同的方法,合成了具有功能化端基的聚戊二烯PI-EEGE,并将该聚合物作为大分子引发剂,引发EO单体进行ROP聚合,用溴乙烷进行封端制得链段连接处含保护羟基的嵌段聚合物PI-b-PEO。
- METHODS: SCKs were obtained by cross-linking the shell of micelles obtained from amphiphilic diblock copolymers. 方法:方法:通过微粒的外壳交联策略,以两性分子二聚物为材料制备SCK。
- A simulated annealing method is used to study the microphase separation and crystallization in cylinder-forming semicrystalline diblock copolymers. 利用模拟退火方法研究非对称半结晶两嵌段共聚物熔体分别在弱分离和强分离条件下的结晶过程。
- Self-assembly of diblock copolymers under one-dimensional planar and three-dimensional spherical confinements was studied using self-consistent field theory (SCFT). 摘要使用自洽场理论研究了二嵌段共聚物体系在一维平行板间和三维球腔内的自组装行为。
- Keywords isobutylene;cationic polymerization;diblock copolymer; 异丁烯;阳离子聚合;二嵌段共聚物;
- Keywords Soft-matter;Morphology;Diblock copolymer;Self-assembly; 软物质;形态结构;双嵌段共聚物;自组装;
- PFMnC-Br was used as macroinitiator to initiate the ATRP of t-butylmethacrylate(t-BMA), thus PFMnC-b-P(t-BMA) with narrow distribution was obtained. After hydrolyzationand acidition, the amphiphilic diblock copolymers PFMnC-b-PMAA was prepared. 并以此PFMnC-Br为大分子引发剂进行了甲基丙烯酸叔丁酯(t-BMA)的ATRP,从而制得分子质量分布较窄的嵌段共聚物PFMnC-b-P(t-BMA),水解后得到了光敏性两亲嵌段共聚物PFMnC-b-PMAA。