- diathesis education estimation 素质教育评价
- The field oriented of Karry is education industrialization based on the carrier of "Diathesis Education". 凯俐的行业定位是以“素质教育”为载体的教育产业化。
- Political theory lesson of colleges should adapt diathesis education to reformation,improve students` innovation consciousness actively. 高校思想政治理论课应该适应素质教育要求,加强改革创新,积极推动学生创新意识的培养。
- Investigation and education on history of science are available route of closing a great gulf fixed comes from "two kinds of culture" and pursuing synthesis diathesis education. 科学史研究和教育更是弥合“两种文化”鸿沟、进行综合素质教育的有效途径 .
- According to the characteristics of the plant physiology experiment, this article explored how to realize diathesis education in the experiment teaching process. 针对植物生理实验课的特点,就如何将素质教育体现在实验教学过程中,提出一些有效的措施。
- The education of love is a basic element in school education, and the education of filial piety can also became a particular connotation of diathesis education. 爱的教育本应该是学校教育的基本元素,孝的教育可成为素质教育的一个独特内涵。
- The problem of dropping out in countries' junior school has become the important factor to feaze basic education and to carry out full diathesis education in this period. 农村初中学生辍学问题,已经成为现阶段严重困扰我国基础教育和全面实施素质教育的重要问题。
- Such teaching reformation will promote academy's reformation on diathesis education and do well to exploiture and improve students' integrated capacity. 它有利于发掘和提高大学生的综合素质,推动高校全面素质教育改革的深入。
- The aesthetic education is the important content of diathesis education, and is also the indispensable important constituent part of comprehensive development in universities. 摘要美育是素质教育的重要内容,是高校全面发展教育中不可缺少的重要组成部分,美育在大学生素质教育中具有重要地位与作用。
- The core of the diathesis education is training the student" s innovational ability, which is an undoubting fact , whereas making the composition is a creative activity. 素质教育的核心是培养学生的创新能力,这是一个不争的事实,而作文本身就是一种创造性的活动。
- The dissertation analysed education condition and problem on the diathesis education, in allusion to our university. brought forward collegial diathesis education course intercalation and collegial teacher practice new method on the teaching. 摘要本文分析了我国高校人文素质教育现状及存在问题,提出了新时期高校人文素质课程设置体系及教学实践方法。
- When measurement is not feasible, apply common sense and educated estimation to obtain performance level information. 如无法采用量算方法,可引用常识及有根据的判断,藉此取得表现水平的资料。
- We must dredge up inhere potent ial of library and expedite contrast and development of digital library and enha nce diathesis education of students and change the actuality of university libra ry. 应挖掘图书馆固有潜力 ,加快数字图书馆的建设与发展 ,加大大学生素质教育的力度 ,努力改变这一现状
- Among diathesis education, the effect of aesthetic education holds the balance, especially for agricultural and forest university, even more attention should be paid to aesthetic and art education. 在素质教育中美育教育的作用是举足轻重的 ,特别是农林院校 ,更应重视美育与艺术教育。
- This paper discusses about the approach and method of permeating the diathesis education into mechanics course, calling for practicing diathesis education in each aspect of the teaching. 摘要探讨在力学课程中渗透素质教育的途径与方法,提出实施素质教育应体现在教学的各个方面。
- From the appearance and development of information diathesis concept,the article treats brief academician information diathesis、the contents of information diathesis education and actualization. 文章从信息素质概念的提出和发展,简述了大学生信息素质和信息素质教育的内容及其实施。
- Clinical nursing involves specific humanism.With the transformation of medical models and development of nursing, humanistic diathesis education of nurses is gaining more and more attention. 临床护理具有鲜明的人文色彩,随着医学模式的转变和护理学的发展,人们越来越重视护士人文素质的培养。
- A report by the Department of Education estimates that the student-teacher ratio in China is four times higher than in the United States. 教育部的一份报告估计中国的学生和老师的比例比美国高四倍。
- Health Personality Pattern and Diathesis Education 试论健康人格模式与素质教育
- We should mke an actual reform to the old educational concept,a focus on the function of aesthetic teaching and an impetus to shift from examination applying education to diathesis education. 应当切实改变旧的教育教学观念,重视美育的功能与作用,推动学校真正从应试教育职能转变到素质教育职能上来。