- Chance led to the finding of the diamond mine. 这座钻石矿完全是偶然发现的。
- It was the great Kimberley Diamond Mine! 这就是著名的金伯利砖石矿。)
- Kolmanskop is an abandoned diamond mine near the coast. 卡曼斯科是一个在海岸边的废置钻石矿。
- Kolmanskop, Namibia.Kolmanskop is an abandoned diamond mine near the coast. 卡曼斯科是海岸边一个废弃的钻石矿。
- Diamond Mining and Utility Corp. 钻石开采应用公司;
- The No. 50 diamond mine of Wafangdian Diamond Company Ltd. is now the largest diamond production base in China. 瓦房店金刚石股份有限公司50号金刚石矿目前是我国最大的金刚石生产基地。
- Kolmanskop, Namibia Kolmanskop, Namibia.Kolmanskop is an abandoned diamond mine near the coast. 卡曼斯科,纳米比亚卡曼斯科是海岸边一个废弃的钻石矿。
- CDM; Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa, Ltd. 西南非洲统一钻石矿产有限公司;
- Apart from the occasional internet hook-up at a diamond mine or UN camp, whole regions of Congo and Sudan, sub-Saharan Africa's two largest countries, have no connection at all. 除了偶尔在网上获得一个关于钻石矿或联合国营地的联播,刚果和苏丹(撒哈拉以南非洲地区最大的两个国家)整个地区,根本没有什么通讯联系可言。
- The Mirny Diamond Mine is 525m deep and has a diameter of 1200m.It was the first, and one of the largest, diamond Pipes in the USSR.It is now abandoned. 米尔钻石矿坑深525米,其直径为1200米,它是前苏联最早、最大的管状钻石矿之一,目前这处矿场已被废弃。
- When her adoring father seeks his fortune in an Indian diamond mine, scrappy little Sarah Crewe must attend the evil Miss Minchin's Boarding School for Girls. 当莎拉可鲁最敬重的父亲在印度钻石矿场碰运气时,她入读了苛刻教师明贞的女子寄宿学校。
- This museum recounts the history of this abandoned diamond mining community. 此博物馆叙述著一个废弃的钻石矿区之历史。
- In 1967, the year after Botswana gained its independence from Britain, a huge diamond mine was discovered in a remote area called Orapa, about 400 kilometers from the capital city of Gaborone. 1967年,即波札那脱离英国独立第二年,距首都嘉柏隆里约400公里,一个叫奥拉帕的僻壤穷乡发现巨大的钻石矿脉。
- But he needed money, so the lucrative diamond mines in neighbouring Sierra Leone beckoned. 然而他却需要钱,于是他便开始对邻国塞拉利昂的钻石矿打起了如意算盘。
- The Mirny diamond mine is located in Siberia, East Russia.It is the largest artificial underground cave in the world, its depth is about 525 meter, and the radius of its entrance reaches 1200 meter. 米尔金刚矿场位于俄罗斯东西伯利亚地区,是世界上最大的人造地穴,它深约525米,入口直径达到了1200米。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- The Lesotho diamond was found at the Letseng Diamond Mine high in the mountains of the tiny nation which is surrounded by South Africa, by a woman who was sorting through the rocks. 世界上发现的最大的未加工钻石是重达3106克拉的库里南,而第二大的是重达955克拉的伊克赛索尔。这两颗钻石均在南非被发现。
- Diamond mining deposits, can be said to be a huge, but the work carefully judge. 钻石矿床的开采,可以说是一件规模巨大,却又细心备至的工作。
- Diamond mining in the process is to use the diamond sub-pro-greasiness to the diamond. 在钻石开采过程中,就是利用了钻石的亲油性来分选钻石。
- The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy. 这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目。