- I regret to say we're diametrically opposed to your ideas. 很遗憾我只好说我们完全不同意你们的意见。
- These are two diametrically opposed lines. 这是两条截然相反的路线。
- Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue. 在这个问题上,我们的观点大相径庭。
- We hold diametrically opposed views. 我们的观点大相径庭。
- His character is diametrically opposed to mine. 他的性格和我的完全相反。
- I am diametrically opposed to his ideas. 我完全不同意他的想法。
- Diametrically opposed; exactly opposite. 正好相对的;恰恰相反的
- As a matter of fact, Jews and Arabians should not have been necessarily doomed to slaughter each other, or "diametrically oppose each other" out of religious differences. 事实上,犹太人与阿拉伯人并不是命中注定要如此仇杀的,更不是宗教信仰不同导致的“势不两立”。
- They are diametrically opposed in temperament. 他们二人性情迥异。
- The Spaniard and the Indian are diametrically opposed. 西班牙人与印第安人恰好相反。
- The two men were diametrically opposed in temperament. 这两人的脾气是截然相反的。
- The same generation have been diametrically opposed evaluation. 同一代人得到了截然相反的评价。
- For the moment I shall confine myself to explaining that united front tactics and closed-door tactics are diametrically opposed. 这里只说统一战线的策略和关门主义的策略,是正相反对的两个不同的策略。
- Many representations appeared to imply that access to works and copyrights protection were diametrically opposed. 许多发言似乎意味着作品的获得和版权的保护是相悖的。
- These things and deads are diametrically opposed, they are as distinct as is vice from virtue. 这两种事情与行为完全相反,它们的性质就像善与恶一样截然不同。
- These things and deeds are diametrically opposed: they are as distinct as is vice from virtue. 这两种事情与行为完全相反,它们的性质就像善与恶一样截然不同。
- What factors about the way China is governed lead to such diametrically opposed and contradictory outcomes? 有哪些治理的因素导致了现下全然矛盾的后果?
- He did not oppose the scheme as such. 他并不反对那项方案本身。
- Always, whenever a society is on the verge of a huge leap or change, there are diametrically opposed activities. 总之,只要一个社会濒临一次极大的跳跃或者改变,就有直接反对的行为。
- Within a few days, the same individuals have expressed diametrically opposed in the past. 短短数日,同一个人却说出了截然相反的话。