- It is the dialectical unity between translatability and untranslatability. 可译与不可译是矛盾对立的辩证统一。
- Both economic rationality and irrationality have achieved dialectical unity and can complement each other. 从经济哲学层面分析,经济理性与经济非理性辩证统一,相辅相成。
- The democratie centralism, which was put forward by Lenin, is dialectical unity. 列宁提出的民主与集中的辩证统一原则,到斯大林时期片面强调集中,再到戈尔巴乔夫时期片面强调民主,最终导致亡党亡国。
- The dialectical unity between form and content is the fundamental significance of literary works. 摘要形式与内容的辩证统一是艺术作品的题中应有之义。
- Sula is a genuine great rebel and her existence in Bottom just proved the logic of dialectical unity. 莫里森真实地刻画了一个有血有肉的伟大的反叛者的形象,从对立统一的角度揭示了秀拉与底部的辨证的存在关系。
- It explains dialectical unity relationship defending patient and doctor of complement each other. 阐述了维患与维医的相辅相成的、辩证统一的关系。
- In the view of Marxist ethnics, Morality's class character and intercommunity are dialectical unity. 马克思主义伦理学认为,道德的阶级性和全人类性是辩证的统一。
- In this kind of education the relationship between freedom and discipline、responsibility is dialectical unity. 在这种教育中,自由与纪律、责任是辩证统一的关系。
- In the moral principles of “new collectivism”,the relation between individual and collective is dialectical unity. “新集体主义”是市场经济对计划经济条件下的传统集体主义冲击的一种回应。
- This paper aims at the relationships of the dialectical unity between socialist market economy and professional moral construction. 文章着重论述社会主义市场经济与职业道德建设的辩证统一关系。
- As to grasping the development law,the dialectical thought,research methods,theoretical system and the dialectical unity of the three factors ought to be studied. 至于如何来把握这种发展规律 ,首先应该深入研究其辩证思维、研究方法和理论体系三要素 ,以及三要素之间的辩证统一关系。
- Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the "four unswerving adherences" are a dialectical unity, in which the both are interdependent, interactive and indivisible. 摘要中国特色社会主义和“四个坚定不移”是辩证的统一,二者相互依箱,相互促进,不可分割。
- Qian Xuesen held that human body science must be founded under the guidance of dialectical materialism and with the method of dialectical unity of reductionism and holism. 因而钱老坚持认为,必须用辩证唯物主义的观点来指导,用整体论与还原论辩证统一的方法去研究。
- Generally, Shakespeare's oxymoron conveys the protagonists ambivalent and intricate psychological states through a seemingly contradictory but dialectical unity. 莎士比亚戏剧中的这种“矛盾修饰法”通常是由两个相互对立的方面组合而成,用来表达人物极为矛盾复杂的心灵状态。
- The essential features and quality of compound effect regulation is nonlinear,and the relationship of linear and nonlinear in compound effect is dialectical unity. 复合伤的复合效应规律的基本特征和本质是非线性特征,而复合效应中线性与非线性特征的关系是辩证统一的。
- The Party's highest and lowest program embody the dialectical unity of long-range ideal and the realistic system, one of lower and higher class social development period and also one of emancipating the mind and being practical and realistic. 党的最低纲领和最高纲领是现实体系与远大理想的辩证统一;是社会发展低级阶段与高级阶段的辩证统一;是实事求是与解放思想的辩证统一。
- The attribute of the interest is shown as: the interests are dialectical unity with sociality and nature; the interests are dialectical unity with subjectivity and objectivity; the interests are dialectical unity with universality and particularity. 利益范畴属性主要表现为:利益是自然性与社会性的辩证统一;利益是主观性与客观性的辩证统一;利益是普遍性与特殊性的辩证统一。
- Among them,the political attribute is the most essential,and the juristical attribute is basic,their relationship is of dialectical unity under the domination of the political attribute. 其中,政治性是最根本的,法律性是基本的,两者是政治性主导下的辩证统一关系。
- The relationship among the three is one of dialectical unity ,since reflection can only be based on practice and knowledge can be sublimated only on the basis of practice and reflection. 思考只有建立在实践基础之上,知识要靠实践、思考才能得到升华,三者是辩证统一的关系。
- The comprehensive utilization of mineral resources has reflected the systematicfunctions of dialectical unity of full increase of resource, environmental, economic and socialbenefits. 矿产资源综合利用体现了全面提高资源效益、环境效益、经济效益和社会效益辩证统一的系统功能。