- The second is the dialectical logic diversely and unitedly determined by the unity of subjectivity and objectivity. 第二阶段是:美的“主客观统一论”等多样统一性规定的辩证逻辑;
- Kinds of dialectical logic and formal logic will be completely in opposition to the attitude is wrong. 那种将辩证逻辑与形式逻辑对立起来的态度是错误的。
- Feng Qi considers concrete conception as a form of thinking, which grasps concrete truth, has its very important status in dialectical logic. 摘要冯契认为具体概念作为把握具体真理的思维形式在辩证逻辑中占有十分重要的地位;
- The dialectical logic in system Z is an elaboration of the method of transcendent analysis of metaphysics; hence,it belongs to linguistic metaphysics. 系统Z所刻画的辩证逻辑主要是作为形而上学的先验分析手段或思维方法,因而属于语言形而上学。
- The development of human thought mainly experien ces three stages, namely, the formal logic, the dialectical logic, and the obscure l ogic. 人类思维的发展大致经历了三个基本阶段,即形式逻辑、辩证逻辑、模糊逻辑。
- Dialectical logic of Engels is a stochastic expressive way, is an improvisational, a temporary vocabulary, so is not a formal learning vocabulary. 恩格斯所谓的“辩证逻辑”“只是一种随机性的表述方式”,“是恩格斯在写札记和笔记时一个即兴的、临时性的用语,因此并不是他的一个正式的学术用语。”
- Therefore there were only dialectical thought and dialectical ideology, not dialectical logic Science in ancient China (early Qin Dynasty). 因此,中国古代先秦时期只有辩证思维、辩证思想,没有辩证逻辑科学。
- Economic Game Theory: A New Type of Economic Dialectic Logic? 经济博弈论:经济辩证逻辑的一个新类型?
- The history and future of “dialectical logic” wrote by Wang is unsound: A precise historic fact is that Logic of Hegel is just dialectics. 王路的《“辩证逻辑”的历史与未来》一文有种种不妥之处:“一个确切的历史事实是:黑格尔的逻辑学就是辩证法。”
- The history and future of "dialectical logic" wrote by Wang is unsound: A precise historic fact is that Logic of Hegel is just dialectics. 王路的《“辩证逻辑”的历史与未来》一文有种种不妥之处:“一个确切的历史事实是:黑格尔的逻辑学就是辩证法。”
- The argument that "logicalized dialectical logic is the product of idielogy with specious principle" is the distortion or ignorance of dialectical logic. 说逻辑化的辩证逻辑“是意识形态的产物,其基本原则相当程度上是似是而非的”,或者是对辩证逻辑的严重歪曲,或者是对辩证逻辑不甚了了。
- Complicated Systems and Dialectical Logic 复杂系统与辩证逻辑
- The Dialectical Logic Going Astray 歧路上的辩证逻辑
- A probe into the development of dialectical logic 辩证逻辑发展探微
- dialectical logic way of thinking 辩证逻辑思维
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- The abstract logical thinking con tains two levels: the formal logic and the dialectical logic, which respectively has its important form of activity and characteristic function in thought innovation. 抽象逻辑思维包含着形式逻辑与辩证逻辑两个层面。形式逻辑与辩证逻辑在思维创新活动中各自有着重要的活动形式与功能特性。
- The relationship between technological determinism(TD) and social constructivism(SC) is not opposite but in schism analyzed from formal logic and dialectic logic. 从形式逻辑和辩证逻辑两个方面加以分析,“技术决定论”与“社会建构论”是并非对立而是分立的关系。
- She speaks a dialect, not the Queen's English. 她说一口方言,不是标准英语。
- This requires reporters to use methodology of dialectical logical thinking in gathering news and to know psychology very well in order to meet interviewees and improve the quality of news-making. 这就要求记者在新闻实践活动中,必须依赖辩证逻辑思维的方法,同时要求深悉心理学以应对被采访者,提高新闻采访的质量。