- Storage See sodium dihydrogen phosphate. 包装储运用内衬聚乙烯塑料袋、外套塑料编织袋包装,每袋净重50kg。Storage and transportation with the polyethylene lined plastic bags; coat plastic woven bag; net weight 50kg.;贮运参见磷酸二氢钠。
- Melissa was conceived through DI 37 years ago. 37年前,梅利莎的母亲通过人工授精怀上了她。
- We never smoked marijuana; Di you smoke? 我们从来不吸烟;你吸烟吗。
- Both the energy and the geometry indicate the existence of a dihydrogen bonding between the HCl and H2O molecule (electron acceptor) and the surface H atoms (electron donor). 依据吸附构型和和吸附能的大小,可以认为HCl和H2O分子与表面的H原子形成了一种独特的氢键--双氢键。
- Marco Di Vaio has pledged his future to Genoa. 迪瓦约许誓自己的未来在热那亚。
- How do you pronounce p - h - l - e - g - m ? 你怎样读“p-h-l-e-g-m”这个单词?
- Letter "O" stands for oxygen and "H" for hydrogen. 字母“O”代表氧,“H”代表氢。
- Codex Committee on Food H hygiene. 国际食品卫生规范委员会。
- The Strada di Chiara was as noisy as ever. 基阿拉大街跟以往一样嘈杂喧哗。
- Late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto,Italy. 意大利诺托谷的晚期巴罗克风格城镇。
- Smoking is detrimental to your h. 吸烟有害健康。
- The "h" in "honor" is not aspirated . honor. 中的h是不发音的。
- Something shaped like the letter H. h形物形状象字母h的物体
- Banca Monte Bei Paschi Di Siena S.P.A. 意大利西雅那银行
- Catherine H: Why do you live in Amsterdam? 你为什么住在阿姆斯特丹?
- I hear that Mr. Di is going to be promoted . 听说狄先生要升职。
- Oh a la ba za na di, we are MIRACLE of the world! 哦阿日巴杂那地,世界是我们的奇迹!
- That's right. It's h - u - a - n - g. 对的。我姓黄。
- He says he din't cheat, but I know better. 他说他没有欺骗,但是我不相信。
- O! I s t h t. T i v u a w h f p f t r s e d. 服务员:哦!很抱歉听您这么说。这种事很少发生。我们每天从固定的供应商进货。