- deviant arousal 异常唤醒
- Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal; deviant. 反常的,异常的非一般的、不平常的或非惯例的; 不正常的; 反常的
- W ivi cusomrs arou h worl cam o iscuss busiss! 我们诚意邀请世界各地的客户前来洽谈业务!
- It is essential to your libido and sexual arousal. 这对维持你的性欲和性唤起至关重要。
- Not typical, usual, or regular;not normal;deviant. 反常的,异常的非一般的、不平常的或非惯例的;不正常的;反常的
- This is essentially a process of arousal. 从本质而言,这是个觉醒的过程。
- Many will also exhibit high levels of arousal. 很多人还会表现出非常积极的状态。
- But aren't deviant adults also ready to pounce? 但不是思想有偏差的成人也准备反扑么?
- What is Youth's Deviant Behaviour? 什麽是青少年的越轨行为?
- Subcortical neurotransmitter systems of arousal. 觉醒的次皮质神经传导系统。
- The purpose of art is the arousal of emotions. 艺术的目的是情感的觉醒。
- Well, it's the sick, the deviant, the madman. 那好,它就是病态的,不正常的,疯子。
- This "need arousal" can be due to the lifestyle of the individual. “需要的产生”可能是来自于个人的生活方式。
- Corrective and preventive action for deviant final product. 对于不合格的最终产品的纠正预防措施记录。
- The arousal of sexual feeling without an external stimulus. 自体情欲在没有外部刺激物时内生的性欲感觉
- The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish. 恋物癖把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上
- A sexual practice or act considered abnormal or deviant. 性欲倒错,性变态被认为反常或违背社会道德标准的性体验或性行为
- Never ask about deviant things. Stay away from all that's improper. 邪恶怪异的事情,要严格禁止,不可过问。
- Shall we write something to arous public attention which give by media? 我们该不该写点东西给媒体以引起公众的注意呢?
- Teenagers' deviant behaviour has become a serious social problem. 青少年偏差行为已经成为一个严重的社会问题。