- deviance of online morality 网络道德失范
- Lost of online redo logs before they are archived. 在对联机重做日志进行归档之前,这些日志丢失了。
- Take advantage of online resources. 利用网上资源。
- We cannot accept copies of online bank statements. 我们不接受在线银行电子结单的复印件。
- The Article Page: New Kingpin of Online News? 内页新闻:网上新闻的新入口?
- A comparative study of online advertisement between China and U.S. 中美网络广告营销比较。
- Why can there be vesicle on the hand of online person? 上网人的手上为什么会有小水泡?
- Cyberculture, Internet, Quality Education, Distance Education, Virtual University, Online moral education, Intellectual education. 01网络文化,互联网,素质教育,远程教育,虚拟大学,网络德育,智力教育
- By continuously measuring it, network administrators can detect the decrease and deviance of the network quality. 藉由持续衡量之,网路管理者得以察觉网路品质的降低与异常。
- We cannot accept copies of online credit card statements. 我们不接受在线信用卡账户电子结单的复印件。
- Rushine Printing foretells the next generation of online printers . 乐善国际印刷预示着中国下一代在线印刷企业的希望。
- Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否有所改进?
- They are discussing the morality of abortion. 他们正在讨论堕胎的道德性。
- Strives to excel in the provision of online government and personal services. 致力推动网上电子公共及个人服务。
- The ASP.NET Webcast Series provides over 40 hours of online training. “ASP.;NET网络广播系列”提供40多个小时的在线培训。
- Unfortunately, most studies sorely neglect the user experience of online ads. 不幸的是,大多数研究完全忽视了在线广告会带来怎样的用户体验。
- The moral consciousness of a country. 一个国家的道德观念。
- Filtering or rating of online content by governments is unacceptable. 政府不得屏蔽或者过滤互联网上的内容。
- The second way to test is the use of online vulnerability testing sites. 第二种测试方法是使用在线缺陷测试网站。
- Platform for chess/card games is one important kind of online games. 棋牌游戏平台是网络游戏中比较重要的一类,国内棋牌游戏开展广泛,有很多公司在棋牌游戏平台领域都取得了比较好的业绩,如腾讯和联众。