- developmental phases theory 发展阶段理论
- Full responsibility of OTS develop phase in new project. 7对新产品开发工作在OTS阶段有独立处理权。
- Yin-Yang and Five Phases Theory, Correlative Thinking is China's most naive thinking of the dialectical materialism. 摘要周易阴阳平衡、五行相生相克原则为中国最朴素的辩证唯物思想。
- These P63 isoforms perform their diverse biological functions in different tissues and different developmental phases. 这些P63亚型蛋白,在不同的组织不同的发育阶段发挥不同的生物学功能。
- Competition in a more restricted sense, (contention for some limited resources) may occur in all developmental phases of trees. 较为狭义的竞争(争夺某些有限资源)在树木各发育阶段都可能出现。
- Deng Xiao-ping Theory is contemporary Chinese Marxism and the new development phase of Marxism in China. 邓小平理论是当代中国的马克思主义,是马克思主义在中国发展的新阶段。
- Yet the megaspores have all kind of degenerated forms in all developmental phases, so it can' t form the embryo, this is the main reason of forming small putamen type. 而大孢子在各个发育阶段均会出现各种败育现象,因此无法形成胚,这是产生焦核的主要原因。
- The planning for Wan Chai Development Phase II is progressing smoothly. 湾仔发展计划第二期的规划工作进展顺利。
- This is business development phase of the build macros. 这对于业务开拓期的建宏,可谓弥足珍贵。
- In Cyc 10mg/kg group,no significant difference were observed on the blastulation and the developmental phase of embryos. 在Cyc 10mg/kg 时,胚胎的胚泡化作用,胚胎发育时相均未受明显影响;
- The transference may be graphically depicted in relation to object representations, developmental phase, and the central fantasy and conflict. 移情会在同客体表象,发展阶段,及核心幻想和冲突的关系中得到图解式的描绘。
- Following the preceeding experiment the effects of ruby microbeam laser werestudied on the length of time for the different developmental phases of Drosop-hila melanogaster and their death rates. 本实验继前次实验后,利用红宝石激光微束辐照显微操作技术,进一步研究了激光微束对黑腹果蝇奋发育阶段所需时间及死亡率的影响;
- WT1 not only regulates cascade reaction of sex differentiation through interacting with SRY, MIS, SF1 and DAX1 but also participates in the posterior developmental phase. WT1不但在早期发育中通过与SRY、MIS、SF1和DAX1等的相互作用来调节性分化的级联过程,而且有可能也参与了后来的发育阶段。
- Meanwhile, the extent to which learners perceive the form-meaning mappings in the target language manipulates the developmental phase and the variability in learner language. 因此,第二语言习得研究应该包括对学习者大脑认知机制和心理活动的分析。
- Gilt vaccinations should be performed during this development phase. 在猪的生长发育时期打好疫苗。
- Still in early developmental phase, Boston and New York contain only public spaces , while Aspen and Miami feature "miniscapes" of the insides of some privately owned buildings. 但是现在,这项功能仍然处在早期的发展阶段中,波士顿和纽约的照片只涉及了公共地带,而山杨市和迈阿密却看得到一些私宅的“内部详景”。
- The synapses are in different development phases and majority synapses are asymmetrical. 突触处于不同的发育阶段,大多为不对称型。
- As a unique language system, the interlanguage has its own features and development phases. 作为一种独特的语言体系,中介语有其自身特点和发展阶段。
- The central tube produces a lot of oogoniums.The egg chambers contain the oocyte at different development phases. 卵室内含有不同发育阶段的卵母细胞。
- The deformation and failure mechanism of CSNW is divided into three crack developing phases. 复合土钉支护的变形机理可以归纳为三个地表裂缝开展阶段。