- A stream can be compared to a development branch. 流可以比喻成开发的分支。
- That will help them develop branches that produce new blooms. 这可以帮助催生新的枝干,开出更多的花。
- How often do you merge code from a development branch to an integration branch? 从一个开发分支合并到一个集成分支的频率是怎样的?
- The current development branch: This is the development version that will some day be released as libtool 1.5. 当前开发分支:这个开发中的版本将来会以libtool 1.;5发布。
- They may allocate 20 or 30 percent of a person to the maintenance branch and the rest on the current development branch. 他们可能分配一个人的20%25或是30%25给维护分支,剩馀的给目前开发分支。
- As a rapidly developing branch of clinical medicine,ophthalmology has constantly had new theories,knowledge,techniques and therapies. 眼科学作为临床医学中发展较快的一个分支,面临不断涌现的新理论、新知识、新技术和新疗法。
- Toponymy is a newly developed branch of science which systematically studies the etymology and meaning of geographical names. 地名学是对地名的词源、意义等进行系统分析的一门新兴科学。
- DARPA, the highly regarded creative research and development branch of the defense department, has drawn up an ambitious next step beyond SIMNET. DARPA,国防部下属的一个在创新方面深受尊敬的研究和开发分支机构,已经制定了超越SIMNET的雄心勃勃的下一个行动步骤。
- As research on broaddand seismology is an developing branch, there are questions in understand-ing the meanings of broadband seismology and using broadband seismic data. 由于我国数字地震学研究起步较晚,在很多地震学家中,对于数字地震学的意义和数字地震资料的使用还存在不少疑问。
- Lexical pragmatics is a rapidly developing branch of linguistics that investigates the processes in which linguistically specified word meanings are modified in use. 摘要词汇语用学是语用学界发展迅速的一个分支学科,它以词汇层面为基础,对词汇意义进行动态研究。
- Do you allow merging from integration branches to development branches? 允许从集成分支合并到开发分支吗?
- The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- The branch was sticking up out of the water. 树枝直挺挺地伸出水面。
- The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. 园丁从树上砍下一根树枝。
- A blackbird was warbling from the branch. 一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。
- The trees branch thickly over the path. 此树生枝极多,遮挡小路。
- France is one of the develop countries. 法国是发达国家之一。
- He chopped a branch off that tree yesterday. 他昨天从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。
- Languages develop continually through usage. 语言在使用中不断发展。