- The WTO launched a new round on development issues in Doha, Qatar in 2001. 2001年世贸组织在卡塔儿的多哈开始了新一轮有关发展问题的谈判。
- The W.T.O. launched a new round on development issues in Doha, Qatar, in November of 2001. 2001年11月,世贸组织在卡塔尔的多哈又举行了针对发展问题的新一轮对话。
- In the mean time, Tim is very involved in manufacturing and product development issues. 在这同时,添十分参与制造和产品开发的问题。
- The Delegation supported the continuation of constructive discussions on development issues. 代表团支持关于发展问题继续开展建设性讨论。
- Piracy and counterfeiting were not development issues, but a global phenomenon linked directly to development. 盗版和假冒都不是发展问题,而是与发展直接相关的全球现象。
- A statement released after the meeting noted that agriculture is central to the Doha development issues. 会后一项声明显示农业是多哈发展项目的中心。
- O lunched a (the) new round on development issues (shows) in Doha, Qatar, () in November of 2001. 2001年,世贸组织在卡塔尔的多哈市招开了新一轮回合论谈,商讨发展问题。
- The WTO lunched a new round on development issues in Doha Katar in November of 2001. 2001年,WTO在卡塔尔的多哈举行了新一轮的回合,该回合针对于发展问题。
- Rekha Mehra is the director for economic and development issues at the Washington-based nonprofit. Rekha Mehra是华盛顿非盈利组织在经济发展问题的负责人。
- The W.T.O. launched a new round on development issues in Doha, Qatar, in Nov. of 2001. 在2001年世贸组织在卡塔尔多哈开始了一个新的关于发展问题的会谈。
- Rekha Mehra is the director for Economic and Development Issues at the Washington based (Washington-based) nonprofit. Mephera是总部在华盛顿非盈利性经济以及发展问题的领导人。
- In my experience, there is a large middle ground between acting like a Don Quixote and completely divorcing yourself from development issues. 在我的经验中,Don Quixote和完全地将你自己与开发事务相脱离这二者之间有很大的距离。
- Over the next five years DFID will undertake constructive engagement and dialogue with China on a range of international development issues. 在今后的五年中,英国国际发展部在国际发展事务中同中国的合作与对话将更具建设性。
- Chief Secretary: All of us, whether we are a legislator or a member of the administration, have to be practical on constitutional development issues. 政务司司长:各位,无论是议员或者政府做事,都要实事求是。
- The Delegation also believed that norm-setting, technology transfer, and other broad development issues should be at the forefront of implementation. 该代表团还认为制订标准、技术转让和其它广泛的发展问题应放在实施之首。
- It discussed WIPO's role in IP and development issues, emphasising the need for WIPO to act within wider poverty reduction or development strategies. 文件中讨论了WIPO在知识产权与发展问题上的作用,强调WIPO必须在更广泛的减贫或发展战略中采取行动。
- CE Donald Tsang is going to announce his second Policy Address, how necessary do you think he has to tackle the economic development issues? 特首曾荫权即将要发表佢既二份施政报告,你认为佢有几需要处理经济发展既问题?
- CE Donald Tsang is going to announce his first Policy Address, how necessary do you think he has to tackle the economic development issues? 特首曾荫权即将要发表佢既第一份施政报告,你认为佢有几需要处理经济发展既问题?
- CE Donald Tsang is going to announce his third Policy Address, how necessary do you think he has to tackle the economic development issues? 特首曾荫权即将要发表佢既三份施政报告,你认为佢有几需要处理经济发展既问题?
- CE Donald Tsang is going to announce his Fourth Policy Address, how necessary do you think he has to tackle the economic development issues? 特首曾荫权即将要发表佢既第四份施政报告,你认为佢有几需要处理经济发展既问题?