- There are some problems during the development of agricultural mechanization, but the development conditions of agricultural machinery have been becoming strong. 我国农业机械化发展的经济社会条件大为改观,但发展过程中仍存在一些问题。
- This article discussed the development conditions of the Jin smelting iron and agriculture by confirming the archaeology materials and document for each other. 摘要本文通过考古资料与文献记载相互印证,论述了金代冶铁业与农业的发展状况。
- This paper states sebacic acid industry producting general conditions in China.In emphasis,it introduces the industry technical development conditions. 介绍了国内癸二酸行业生产概况,重点介绍了该行业技术进展。
- Combining the development conditions of Tianjin Iron - smelting Plant, the production status and problems conf(?)onted are summarized. 结合天津铰厂炼钢发展情况,用述了烧结生产现状及面临的问题,针对烧结现状,概括提出了烧结发展几种重要的技术进步措施。
- Shennongjia has a very suitable for giant salamander breeding natural conditions, the development conditions are mature. 神农架有非常适合大鲵(娃娃鱼) 养殖的自然条件,其开发条件已非常成熟。
- The operating mode as well as the strong and weak points of hybrid vehicles(HV),HV's development conditions and prospects in USA, GMC's limited hybrid system, etc. are reported. 介绍混合动力车的工作方式和优缺点、美国开发该型车的概况及前景、日本的领先技术、GM公司的“有限混合动力系统”等。
- For different reservoir characteristics and different development conditions, different adjustive measures can be taken to tap production potential of remaining oil. 根据不同的油藏类型、储层特征及开发条件下形成的剩余油的不同,实施不同的调整挖潜对策。
- In this paper, the embryonic development conditions of tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaeusi Gunther) in different temperature and salinity conditions are studied. 研究了在不同水温、盐度条件下,半滑舌鳎胚胎发育的情况。
- The particularity and development conditions of tourism resources in the Jiuyi Mountain are analyzed in the paper, and the deep development strategy for tourism is discussed. 摘要从分析九嶷山旅游资源特质和开发现状着手,对九嶷山旅游深度开发策略进行了探讨。
- But comparing with thefamous newsweek in the world, our newsweek still is at the low development conditions,the way of China newsweek development is still long and difficult. 但也毋庸讳言,与世界上成熟的新闻周刊相比,我国的新闻周刊尚处于低度开发状态,中国新闻周刊的发展道路依然漫长而艰辛。
- People who eat two or more servings of red meat a day are much more likely to develop conditions leading to heart disease and diabetes, US researchers reported. 美研究人员近日称,一日吃两份或以上红肉者,易患心脏病和糖尿病。
- Our plant will rev up production to meet the needs of the developing conditions. 我们工厂将增加生产以适应形势发展的需要。
- When World Health Organization (WHO) officials investigate and study the development conditions of the Chinese traditional medicine, they all exclaim the role that the Chinese traditional medicine plays in the national medical service safeguard system. 世界卫生组织(WHO)官员在调研中医药的发展状况时,为中医药在国民医疗保障体系所起的作用惊叹不已。
- Cardiovascular enginery level can affect development condition of one's body, level of people's health and man's physique state strong or not. 心血管机能水平能反映出一个人的身体生长发育状况、康水平和体质强弱。
- Yunnan has abundant hydropower resources and good development conditions, its quickened hydropower development will exert further influence on the characteristics of its hydrology and water resources. 云南水能资源丰富且开发条件好,随着水电开发步伐的加快,水电开发对河流水文水资源特性的影响将进一步增大。
- The development condition of 55 dtex bright trilobal profiled FDY on chip spinning FDY production line is introduced. 介绍在切片纺FDY生产线上开发55dtex有光三叶异形全拉伸丝。
- Are the Xinjiang textile and coastal city textile development condition the same? 新疆纺织业与沿海城市纺织业的发展条件一样么?
- Conditions were propitious for development. 情况对发展很有利。
- In 1993, Wanke convened the board of directors in Shanghai reviewing the development condition of the company. 1993年,万科在上海召开董事会,回顾公司的发展状况。
- Environment conditions an animal's development. 环境能影响动物的成长。