- EC was not the contracting party of GATT. 欧共体不是GATT缔约方 ,GATT也从没有确立过EC在其中的法律地位。
- The other contracting party becomes liable to the agent on the contract. 另一方缔约当事人对代理人负有合同责任。
- Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General. 任何缔约方均可退出本条约,退约应通知总干事。
- A Contracting Party may provide that no filing date shall be accorded until the required fees are paid. 缔约方可规定在规费缴纳之前不得确定申请日期。
- Any Contracting Party may require that, in respect of the request, a fee be paid to the Office. 任何缔约方均可要求向商标主管机关缴纳变更申请的费用。
- Any Contracting Party shall comply with the provisions of the Paris Convention which concern marks. 任何缔约方均应遵守《巴黎公约》中有关商标的规定。
- No Office of a Contracting Party may, for the purposes of effecting the renewal, examine the registration as to substance. 任何缔约方不得为实施续展而就注册进行实质审查。
- Any other matter which the contracting parties consider necessary. 双方认为需要约定的其他内容。
- The Office of a Contracting Party shall correct its own mistakes, ex officio or upon request, for no fee. 缔约方商标主管机关在其职权范围内改正本机关的错误,或被要求改正其错误时,不收任何费用。
- A technology development contract shall be in written form. 技术开发合同应当采用书面形式。
- Except, if the law of the Contracting Party so provides, where the signature concerns the surrender of a registration. 但缔约方法律规定签字涉及放弃注册的情况除外。
- IV) There must be subjective fault when the contracting party breaches the liability of precontractual. 缔约人在缔约过程中违反先契约义务时必须有主观过错;
- Either Contracting Party shall immediately notify the other Contracting Party in writing of such suspension. (二)缔约任一方应即时将该中止决定书面通知缔约另一方。
- China has gone through a journey of 15 years in order to first resume the contracting party status in GATT and later to enter the WTO. 中国恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位和加入世贸组织已经走过了15年历程。
- Any Contracting Party may waive its rights under paragraph (2) atthe time of, or subsequent to ratification of, or accession to thisConvention. 任何一个缔约国在批准或加入该公约时或在此以后,可以放弃第(二)款规定的权利。
- The Contracting Parties shall endevour to further develop economic and cultural relations Between the two countries and to prance exchanges Between the peoples of the two countries. 缔约双方将为进一步发展两国之间的经济关系和文化关系,促进两国人民的往来而努力。
- Language] Any Contracting Party may require that the application be in the language, or in one of the languages, admitted by the Office. 语言]任何缔约方均可要求申请书以商标主管机关接受的语言填写或以该机关接受的数种语言之一填写。
- Any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the contracting parties. 签约双方法律地位的证明文件。
- Membership in the Commission shall be open to all contracting parties. 所有缔约方均可成为该委员会的成员。
- The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both Contracting Parties. 仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。