- deterministic language model 语言的确定性模型
- The result shows that the perplexity of language model is reduced. 该文详细介绍了统计语言模型的训练过程,给出了语言模型复杂度随迭代次数增加而减小的实验结果。
- Language Model is widely used in OCR post-processing,especially in Chinese. 语言模型在OCR后处理,特别是在中文的文字识别后处理方面有着广泛的应用。
- CMU_Cam_Toolkit is used to finish the training and evaluation of language model. 采用CMU_Cam_Toolkit工具包完成语言模型的训练和评价工作。
- Recent research, e.g. adding NLP factors to language model, has more or less confirmed the conclusion. 最新的一些进展(例如在语言模型中加入自然语言处理)在一定程度上印证了这一结论。
- One of research topics focus on language model for document retrieval and comparison with classic VSM on a Chinese test-set. 本文研究重点之一是研究SLM-based语言模型中Ponte、GLM模型在中文检索测试集上的表现,并与经典的VSM对比。
- In this paper, the question of Chinese automatic segmentation is discussed using overlaying ambiguity examining method and statistics language model. 该文探讨了利用覆盖歧义检测法和统计语言模型进行汉语自动分词的问题。
- Aimed at the high noise of the broadcast speech, GMM-UBM is used as the language model to improve the system noise-robustness. 并针对广播语音噪声干扰大的特点,采用GMM-UBM模型作为语种模型,提高了系统的噪声鲁棒性;
- A kind of Chinese combined language model, that takes into account POS( part of speech) information in a trigram-based statistical language model, is presented in this paper. 本文给出了一种将词类信息融入三元文法模型的汉语组合语言模型。
- Language model which reports live the disseminator that the main research of this subject takes soccer announcer as an example, analyze their characteristic style. 本课题主要研究以足球解说员为例的现场报道传播者的语言模型,分析他们的特点风格。
- A kind of Chinese combined language model,that takes into account POS(part of speech)information in a trigram-based statistical language model, is presented in this paper. 本文给出了一种将词类信息融入三元文法模型的汉语组合语言模型。
- These texts can be used to construct adaptive language model and to obtain the idiosyncrasy of recognizer which can help dynamically adjust candidates set. 另一方面可以利用识别器的动态识别特性 ,以修正候选字集 ;
- Next comes to the analysis of dialectical relation between thought and language, covering two conflicted aspects: thought determines language or language determines thought. 然后分析思维与语言的辨证关系,从是“语言决定思维”还是“思维决定语言”这两个方面展开讨论;
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- According to the idea of EM, a language model is built increasingly by collection the fractional counts of patterns (such as bigram pair) from the augmentations of all the segmentation candidates of a sentence. 基于em的思想,每个句子所对应的所有(或一定範围内)的分词结果构成训练集,通过这个训练集和初始的语言模型可以估计出一个新的语言模型。
- Caption RecognitionFeature extraction using wavelet transformation and the combination of statistical language model and Hidden Markov Model methods finally achieved the identification of caption. 基于统计机器学习的字幕识别提取小波变换的特征并使用隐马尔可夫模型和统计语言模型的识别技术相结合的机器学习方法,实现字幕文字的识别。
- Caption Recognition Feature extraction using wavelet transformation and the combination of statistical language model and Hidden Markov Model methods finally achieved the identification of caption. 基于统计机器学习的字幕识别提取小波变换的特征并使用隐马尔可夫模型和统计语言模型的识别技术相结合的机器学习方法,实现字幕文字的识别。
- Text segmentation is very important for many fields including information retrieval, summarization, language modeling, anaphora resolution and so on. 摘要文本分割在信息提取、文摘自动生成、语言建模、首语消解等诸多领域都有极为重要的应用。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。