- Field trials were conducted to determine control effect on cotton seedling diseases at different dosage of 2.5% fludioxonil FSC. 通过对棉花种子进行不同剂量种衣剂包衣试验;研究了2.;5%25适乐时悬浮种衣剂对棉花苗期病害的相对防效。
- Firstly, select cumulative chord length parameterization and computing the knots of B-spline.Secondly, determine control vertexes and control polygon. 采用该方法,获得观测区间外的极值点参与经验模态分解,可以有效地控制边界误差。
- The dynamic of rudder control subsystem and the method to determine control system's parameters is given out and the numerical result is also given out. 文中导出了舵机控制过渡的动力学方程,给出了控制环节参数的确定方法以及该控制方法的数值仿真结果。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很难管教。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。
- The firemen were unable to control the blaze. 消防队员无法控制这场大火。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- Inflation has got out of control. 通货膨胀失去了控制。
- FLOCK button. Pressing the Frequency Lock button will disable all frequency determining controls on the front panel, to prevent accidental changes of frequency. 频率锁定,按下这个按钮前面板所有频率控制按钮将被禁用,防止意外改变频率。
- They therefore concluded that the patterns obsered could not be due to the deterministically controlled mechanisms posited in the theory, but occur purely by chance. 因此他们总结到这些观察到的模式不能归因于这种理论中所断定的决定性控制机制,而纯粹是机缘巧合罢了。
- The lorry ran down the hill out of control. 卡车失去控制直往山下冲去。
- The model plane got out of control and crashed. 模型飞机失控坠落下来。
- He has little control over his emotions. 他控制不住自己的感情。
- I lost control of myself and hit him. 我控制不住自己,打了他。
- I lost control of myself and hit Tom. 我控制不住自己,打了汤姆。
- The bomb was exploded by remote control. 这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。
- The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近年来政府对报纸的控制已经变松了。
- Enemy forces are in control of the city. 敌军控制著这座城市。